SheSpeaks Love

A Wise Woman

• SheSpeaksLove • Season 1 • Episode 5

Today's episode explores the attributes and works of  A Wise Woman. The faithfulness of a Wise Woman is to trust in the process God has set before her. Speak from the promises Of God instead of the wound.


-  Learn to speak the solution instead of the problem

- Wisdom is our best weapon of warfare

- Who do you agree with? God or the enemy 

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The Wise Woman

Betty 00:01

Hello Queens. Welcome to SheSpeaks Love Women of the Bible Series. We're so excited to share these incredible women of the Bible and highlight their personal story and their legacy. These podcasts will encourage, inspire and share wisdom from God's Word as it relates to women and our unique circumstances.

Lets get into their phenomenal story and the power of their voice. Today's woman of the Bible is "A Wise Woman" presented by Queen Pastor Vernadine.

Vernadine 00:46

Today, I'm speaking on this woman who doesn't have a name. She is just simply referred to as "A Wise Woman" and her story is found in Second Samuel Chapter 20.

I'm gonna just tell you the story and then I'll go back and hit a couple of highlight verses, and then I'm going to go ahead and give the prophetic word that I received of The Lord. So in Second Samuel Chapter 19, well even before then, we can go all the way back to Second Samuel 14, but that story is talking about King David and his son Absalom is trying to exalt himself.

The Bible says that he didn't wait to be exalted. He exalted himself and we know that that never ends good when you lift yourself up instead of humbling yourself and allowing God to do it. So, Absalom exalted himself. He built a Memorial with his name on it to himself and he got a bright idea that "I want the kingdom that my father David rules."

So he began and set up this big scheme, this big plan, and he would sit at the gate in Jerusalem. And when anyone would come with a question for the king, he would intercept them, and he would speak well to them, he would kiss them, and he would bless them; and what happened is the Bible says that he stole the hearts of the people away from the king to draw them to himself. And he did this for a long time until he ended up where he had enough people who started to love him and respect him.

Absalom got with the men of Israel and he actually invited about 200 elders of Israel to a party. The elders didn't know what it was about, they just went. At this party, he told them that he was the king now, and that they should back him up. Well, they did. And so he got enough people and so word got around to King David. They said, your son Absalom is planning to overthrow you and he's gonna kill you and he's gonna kill everything in your household.

So King David decided well I'm gonna get outta here, because King David loved his son Absalom. He said, I'm gonna get outta here. So what he did, he took his troops, he took the priest, and it was Zodak and Abiathar, and their sons, and they all took King David and they left the palace. King David left some concubines there to guard the house.

As they went to get away from war, King David said listen priest, take the ark of the covenant back to the palace; and stay there and give me word of what's going on. There was another young man that went to bring word back to David. While David was hiding out and going to the Mount of Olives, there was another man who came from the tribe of Benjamin from King Saul's camp. He came and was throwing stones at King David. Can you believe that? King David didn't fight him back. One of King David's right hand man said, I believe it was Abishai, cause everybody need an Abishai with him. Abishai said, King David how you gonna let these people stone you and curse you? Let me kill 'em right now. But King David said no, we're not gonna do that because what if he's doing that because the Lord told him to. What if this man is stoning me because God told him to then, he'd be fighting against the Lord.

So they gave him a pass on that. So in the meantime, Absalom is trying to set up and overthrow the kingdom of David, however, King David had some people by him. One of 'em named was Abishai, and he had a brother named Joab. Joab was a mighty warrior when he wanted you, he'd do whatever he needed to do and he would get you. You did not want Abishai or Joab mad at you. So they went and broke up into different troops and they went to fight against the men of Israel and Absalom.

Now King David told Joab, the commanders of the army and Abishai don't harm my son. Get him but don't hurt him. Well, as the war was going on Absalom tried to flee. He got caught in the thicket of some branches and was hanging by a tree. So when the man came up, they found Absalom just hanging there. But instead of obeying the King and just bringing him safely, Joab killed the son of the king because Joab was a bad man. He disobeyed, but he killed the son of the King.

Word got back to David that all's well. The enemy is gone. The enemy is dead. You got your kingdom back David. Because his son was killed, David began to mourn, crying and weeping. Oh God, my son, my son. He was so in mourning, Joab came into the King and he rebuked David.

He rebuked him saying, you crying for this boy that tried to kill you. You crying for him? Making us feel like we did something wrong. It's like, you don't appreciate what we did. We're trying to help you King David. Joab said, King David get up right now, get dressed, and go sit before the people.

Now I'm telling you this is how Joab is talking to King david. I'd have been scared to talk to the king like that, but this is the mindset of Joab. He was a fierce warrior. That is why he was one of the commanders of David's army. He didn't play. And so David did what Joab said.

So let's move into Second Samuel 20. I'm gonna bring this wise woman in. I gotta give you this backdrop of how powerful she is. So now, they're bringing David back into Jerusalem, back to the palace, and there's a big fight between the men of Israel, the 10 Tribes of Israel, and Judah. Judah never left King David's side, but some of the men of Israel did. There was a dispute among them.

Now, we go to Chapter 20, starting verse one; it says that there was a troublemaker in Israel. And his name was Sheba and the Hebrew meaning of that word Sheba, means a false prophet. It means a Belial, like the son of the devil, and it means the antichrist spirit. So this man Sheba from Israel began to chant little things like David is no good. Nobody wants to be with David. We don't have no share in David. So just like Absalom, he began to get in the ear of the other people in Israel. So he caused a division from some of the people who should have been following King David. And he got them to turn from king David.

So moving on down the line, there is a man named Amasa from the tribe of Israel. King David said, I'm gonna make you a commander just like Joab and Abishai in my army. Well, now King David has found out that this man Sheba is wanting to cause problems in his kingdom and dividing the people against him.

So king David says, Amasa gather all the troops of Judah and in three days, you and the troops come before me. Well three days came and went and no Amasa. Amasa was going somewhere else. So now David calls in Abishai. He said listen Abishai, this man Sheba, he's caused us so many problems. I need you to go and get him, kill him, get done with him, because he's gonna do worse to us than Absolam would have ever done.

And then David tells Abishai to go quickly and catch Sheba before he gets into the fortified city. Before he gets into a stronghold, because he gets in the stronghold, we ain't gonna never reach him, or it's gonna be very, very hard to reach him. Now, all these things I'm telling you try to remember these things, cuz it's gonna have a lot of spiritual significance.

Sheba was on the run and causing havoc in the kingdom. King Davis said, Abishai get him before he gets into the stronghold. So Abishai takes Joab and they're on the way they find Amasa. Instead of Amasa coming to the palace, I believe he is going to Israel to warn. So Joab gets off his horse and acts like he's going to kiss Amasa, and he stabs him in the stomach with his sword. His guts fall off and he dies right there. They keep it moving. And then one of Joab's men told Amasa's man are you with Amasa? Are you with Joab? So they with Joab. They're on the way to this city called Abel and Beth Maachah, and I'm gonna just call it Abel for short. They hear that Sheba is shut up in Abel. He's hiding out in a stronghold in a fortified city.

These cities in the old Testament when it said that it was fortified, you couldn't just come into the city. They had thick walls, iron gates, and you couldn't just come in. That was their fortress. That was their protection. Some of these walls were so thick that the people lived in the walls. They built apartments inside the walls. Some of these walls were so thick that the people would actually have horse and chariot races on top of the wall. That's how wide they were. So once there was a stronghold, it wasn't easy to penetrate a stronghold is my point.

So when Joab got to the city, they laid a siege against it to tear it down because they wanted to get Sheba out of there. So now if you've been watching the news from time to time, you've seen the war and root in Ukraine and Russia. I don't know if you've seen the shelling and the bombings and the fighting and the people standing there fighting on the front line.

Well, this is how it was going on with Joab and David's army against this city called Abel. So while that's going on, this is where I'm gonna come in with the Wise Woman on verse 16. Second Samuel 20 says, and a Wise Woman went to the front of the line of the battle in the midst of the battle.

You know, any other woman probably would've been scared and hiding, asking what are we going to do? This woman went to the front lines risking her own life, and she called out Joab cuz she knew he was the one that everybody feared. Joab came and said, yes. She said, are you Joab? He said, I am.

She said will you listen to your maidservant? She's very humble. She didn't come at him crazy. She said, will you listen to your handmade? And he said, I'm listening. So she says, this city has been here for years, and many, many people come here and their disputes are settled here. That city was known to settle disputes and to settle arguments. It was a proverb going around and I'm sure Joab knew it that if you had a issue, it would get taken care of at Abel. All the people in that city were wise. She was a mother in Israel. And so this city was very popular for peace, for wisdom, and for faithfulness. So she says, Joab, why are you destroying such a protected, wonderful place in Israel?

Joab says, I'm not trying to destroy the city, but I'm trying to get this man who's hiding in here. So this wise woman comes quickly with a solution. She said listen, let's do this, give me a chance and I'll go and get the head of this Sheba and I'll throw it over the wall, and Joab thought about it and he said okay. So this woman walks away from the frontline, she gathers all the people of the city, she shares the reason why there is a issue going on, why there's a war, why there's attack; and then she has the solution. So she tells the people, and they go, not her, they go cut off this man's head, throws it over the wall..

Joab got the head, looked at it, that's Sheba. Bye. He goes back and its all over with. So this one woman saved a whole city by confronting the most feared man in all of Israel. She had such a fear of the Lord that she was able to face her own fears and insecurities. That is a wise woman.

Now I wanna go in since you know this story, and I'm gonna hit up a few highlights. If you have your Bible, you can look at that in Second Samuel 20 verses 14 through 20. I'm gonna pick it up from here in Second Samuel verse 14 so you can actually hear how it was said.

Meanwhile, Sheba traveled through Israel and it says that he went into the town at Abel and by the way, that town Abel means oppression. That city suffered a lot of oppression. And I believe that is why they were so wise, because until you suffer, and go through, how do you know God is a deliverer?

How do you know God is a healer? You have secondhand knowledge. I heard he was a healer, but you ain't never been healed. I heard he was a deliverer, but you ain't never been addicted to nothing. So these people learned in adversity. Jesus learned obedience through the things he suffered.

Now, I titled this teaching a wise woman notices a problem and quickly resolves it. Now her problem was with the war against her city, but I'm gonna bring this prophetic word home for us. Okay. Every incident or event in the old Testament is a type and shadow of the church today.

When the children were delivered out of Egypt, that is an application of the aggregate body of Christ being delivered from the bondage of sin. When they were taken through the red sea, that was us going through baptism.

So everything that you see that happened to them, we can apply it some way to the church today. So now, this wise woman saw a problem and she quickly brought resolve to it. Today, the Holy Spirit is saying wise women learn to notice the issue and quickly resolve it, not within other people, but within yourself, within your mind.

Learn to notice there's a problem going on with my thinking, because we're talking about war we're in a war. I don't know if you noticed that we are in a battle and the enemy wants to kill you every single moment he wants to steal, he wants to kill and he wants to destroy purpose. And so we have to be wise women to notice this Sheba, the antichrist or the false prophet is anything or anyone that speaks against what the word of God says.

So that's why it's so important to have the word of God in you. To feel that I don't understand the word, I don't like the word, I fall asleep with the word, that is a sabotage. That is your weapon. We don't fight with flesh and blood. We don't fight with fist. We don't fight with guns in the spirit realm. We fight with our faith. We fight with our words. We fight with our lifestyle.

So in order to be effective in your life, we have to learn not to let Sheba get in the stronghold. Well what does that mean? I told you how thick those walls were in the strongholds. Well today, a stronghold is the church. A stronghold means a deep seated belief system.

That's why in Second Corinthians chapter 10, three to five, Paul is talking about though we walk in the flesh, we don't war after it. He said our weapons of warfare are not flesh and blood. He said, but they're mighty through God for the pulling down, the overthrow, and the destruction of strongholds.

Well, what is that? I just said it earlier. The pulling down, the overthrow, and the destruction of wrong thinking. That's what it is. Listen, this is the deep. This is a stronghold. Maybe it's something that you've been hearing for a long time and it's deep rooted. I know people sometime when they were young, if you ever been told you ain't nothing, you're stupid. You ain't gonna amount to nothing. You ugly. You're dumb. You get on my nerves. Sometimes you can hear that so much, whether it's from your parents, whether it's from your spouse, whether it's from your siblings, you can hear so much negative lies until you start to believe them. That is a stronghold. It's stinking thinking.

We really need to get into the habit as wise women and think about what we think about. Because if you have a stronghold and you have all of these insecurities, I never, I can't, I'm a woman. I'm not smart enough. I can't do this. Listen, those are stronghold that need to be broken. How are they broken?

They're broken by the Word of God because the Bible tells us to renew our thinking to put on the mind of Christ. The word of God is what transforms us from thinking a lie. Don't say I'm sick, I'm broke. I can't do nothing. I can't finish. Listen doing that is enforcing any stronghold that you have in you.

Break insecurity by not speaking the problem, but declaring what God says about you. For too long we have come in agreement with what the enemy says about us. I don't do that anymore. I used to. I used to get little negative thoughts and would sit there and listen, instead of nipping it in the bud instead of catching Sheba before he get to the stronghold, I sit there and let Sheba get to the stronghold. That little troublemaker man. I will let that negative thought, that lie, that insecurity, that fear, that doubt, and I will let that thing get in me and I sit there and think about it, and eventually I'll start agreeing with it. I'm like, yep. You right? Don't nobody like me. I might as well just give up. I'm gonna always be this way. It ain't never gonna get no better, when it starts like it get better, yep it get bad again. Yep, it's the same cycle. Yep, I start agreeing with it. I started fortifying it until the Lord had to stop me from doing that.

The Lord said, why do you put more stock and value in a lie instead of what I said about you? I said you are fearfully and wonderfully made. I said, I know the plans that I have for you. I said that I have equipped you to overthrow. I said, I have got everything back for you. Why are you agreeing with the enemy? I said that I will remove sickness from your midst. I said that you will be the head and not to tail. I said, you will be the lender. Why you are agreeing with the enemy?

So we have to be wise women. We have to recognize Sheba in the camp. Any lie we have to stop it before it gets into the stronghold, a deep seated belief. We can't believe a lie. This is why we live defeated lives, because we are constantly agreeing with a lie. I know stuff takes a long time, but God has a plan. Ecclesiastics Nine verse 18 part A says wisdom is better than weapons of war.

Wisdom is better than weapons of war. We don't have to fight ladies like people in the world fight. We don't have to do the neck, and roll the eyes, and snap the fingers. We ain't gotta do none of that. The weapons of our warfare are mighty through God. We pray. We declare the Word of God. We call things that aren't as if they are, we cast out devils, we heal the sick.

Listen, we're not defeated foes. But, if you believe that, that's what you will speak, and when you speak it, that's where you will walk. So it's very important, and I just wanna encourage some people today. I really felt this very strong.

In Exodus chapter 13, when God delivered the people who were in bondage in Egypt, the Bible says that God could have took them straight to the promise land, but if He did that, they would have to go through Philistine and fight the Philistines. So God took them the long way around to avoid the fight. And the reason He did this was because, if they see what they gotta fight up ahead, they may be discouraged. They may get weary and wanna go back to Egypt. God said they have been slaves all their lives. Slaves did not know how to fight. They weren't warriors. They didn't know how to fight.

All they had to know was to be a slave. So He says, I have to teach them the war. So God took them the long way and took them over to Jordan and Jericho, and He helped them with little battles to teach them. Look, I killed the bear. I killed the lion. Who is this uncircumcised Philistine?

God allows us to go through little battles. That's why you feel like it's always something. It's one thing after another. Yeah, that's the process. God has a promised land for you. He knows the dreams that He's placed in you. He knows the businesses. He knows the ministry. Of course He does. He knows your family. He knows your children. He knows your body. But He said He delivered us out of each Egypt. He delivered us from being slaves to sin. We were sinners, not warriors.. We were sinners. We didn't know how to fight. That's why we were in bondage.

Now that Jesus has brought us outta bondage, out of darkness, into his light, He said, let me teach you how to fight the real enemy. Your husband is not your enemy. Your coworkers are not your enemy, your children ain't your enemy. Come on, the government's not your enemy. Slow drivers on the highway are not your enemy.

You have an enemy called the devil. And if he can get you distracted from purpose, you'll turn back and wanna go back to Egypt because you feel like it's too hard. Listen, God has healed you at that headache. He healed you of that knee ache. Now He can heal you of cancer. I'm telling you I've been healed. I've had a transplant. I've had little things going on and I've had to overcome to build my faith. He'll do it in your finances. I've had to have faith for finances and little things and bankruptcy, foreclosure, and repos. I've been through that. Little things. God says, if I can't trust you to fight against the foot soldiers, how are you gonna fight against the chariots?

You can't run against the chariots. He leads us little by little. But listen, if your business closed and it was a little business, it's okay. He's preparing you so that you don't lose your mind when you start getting bigger businesses and something happens. That's all. You gonna still have it. God's still gonna get you there, but God is not gonna take you somewhere into the promise land, and you're not prepared to fight the giants that are in there. You have to dispossess them. You have to overtake your promise and you have to fight for it, but you can't have a big fight. You have to have many, many little fights.

So the Lord has not forgotten about you my sisters, my Queens. God has not forgotten the dream. God has not forgotten the promise. I know it's like, we're going around this same mountain again. Are we ever gonna cross over? Am I ever gonna be free from depression? I do good for a little while, but here we go again.

Yeah, you're gonna be free from it. Of course you are. God is building your fate and he's teaching you how to fight big, big devils. Big devils. But we had to fight the little ones. I hear some people say I wanna deliver a city like this woman did, but you can't even deliver a sink of dirty dishes. You can't even do the little practical things. Why do you think God is gonna let you fight a devil? He's not. He wants you to get there and trust the process. There is pressure, but you have to trust the process my sisters. I know it's been long and hard, especially for my sister in the hospital.

I was sitting here listening with some things you were saying, listen, don't even give voice to a lie. Don't even give voice to the lie. Don't even give voice to the lie. Don't! Give voice to what God says about the promise He gave you. I don't care what it looks like. I don't care if you in the hospital in therapy. I don't care.

Listen, I declare what God says about you until your very last breath. Never agree with a lie. Never agree with a lie. You can say, oh, I'm so spiritual. I'm so high minded. No I'm agreeing with the Word of God said that's all. I'm agreeing with what God says. If God says I'm healed, I'm healed. I don't care what it looks like and I'm going to declare it, and that's what he wants all of us to do.

I'm gonna leave three things with you. A wise woman knows how to quickly decide. She knows how to delegate and she knows how to deliver. That's what that wise woman did in Abel. She quickly decided I need to solve this. She went and she didn't chase Sheba, she delegated and had other people doing it. Don't take on so much till you get burnt out and frustrated. Learn to delegate, learn to trust that maybe somebody can do it almost as good as you. Maybe you're not the only one that's real good with that.

Trust other people and deliver. Women, keep your word. If you say, I'm gonna do this, do it to your own hurt. Keep your word, deliver on your promises. We have to be very faithful in what we say and what we do in order for the Holy Spirit to use us. The Holy Spirit flows in purity. Listen, if you ain't keeping your words, you lying. Stop it. God is bringing us around. He's teaching us to fight.

Trust the process sisters and God wanted to encourage you and tell you, He loves you. He's bringing you through a process, preach that word, stay in your business, love your family; and He says, be bold warrior women who aren't afraid to face a battle and do it the right way. The name of Jesus.

Let me pray real quick father in Jesus name. God, I thank you for that message. God, I thank you for the instruction. Father, I just pray right now for an impartation of grace to overtake my sisters right now in the name of Jesus. Father, I thank you that in the process, there is refreshing, in the process, in the wilderness, God you are that rock in the wilderness. You are that rock that gives life. God draw them to yourself to get refreshed, to get strength in God. To get marching orders for their assignments God. Lord, I thank you for increased boldness, increased love, increased focus. God, I just thank you that there will be no more demonic distractions, but they will agree and they will overthrow every lying stronghold that has ever been spoken over them.

Father these women are wise. These women are intelligent. These women are fearless. These women are warriors. These women they've yield that Word of God, that's sword of the spirit like a butter knife. And let me tell you, I thank you Lord for what you're doing in us. I thank you for healing my sister in the hospital.

God, I thank you for increasing her faith. God, I thank you for miracles, signs and wonders in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. God, I thank you Lord, for complete healing from the crown of her heads to the sole of her feet. Father, I thank you that the word of God is pushing out everything that is illegal in her body.

We command it to leave right now because it's not part of her covenant, is not her portion, and we don't receive it in the name of Jesus. Glory to God! Glory to God! I thank you for the process. I thank you for building us up. Glory to God! Glory to God! My sisters, please be refreshed in the battle. God is, is building your faith. He's building your endurance. I know it's not easy sitting on the couch and healing and waiting on restoration when you feel like you should be way ahead. I heard someone say earlier, they go to school, but they never finish. The devil is a liar. Finish!

Glory to God! There is grace being released right now for you to finish. Finish everything God has put in your hearts, my sister finish it because he is gracing you and teaching you and carrying you in the name of Jesus. Be bold! God, I just thank you for that in Jesus name. I pray. Amen. Amen.

Betty 36:37

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