SheSpeaks Love

The Truth Of Hannah

• SheSpeaksLove • Season 1 • Episode 7

Today's episode explores the attributes and works of  Hannah. The faith of Hannah is to trust in the process God has set before her.  Even in barren times, God is faithful in all things. 


-  God will fight for you

-   You are called to be a Master Piece

-  Be careful with people

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The Truth of Hannah

Betty 00:01

Hello Queens. Welcome to SheSpeaksLove Women of the Bible Series. We're so excited to share these incredible women of the Bible and highlight their personal story and their legacy. These podcasts will encourage, inspire and share wisdom from God's Word as it relates to women and our unique circumstances.

Let's get into their phenomenal story and the power of their voice. Today's woman of the Bible is Hannah, presented by Queen Chevonne.

Chevonne 00:43

So I'll start off with the story of Hannah and I'm going to be paraphrasing. I'll be reading and I'll be adding my own, so just bear with me. So I just like how the Bible is written, but like I said, I'll go in and out.

Hannah's story as in First Samuel 1, and then we are also gonna cover First Samuel 2 verses 19 to 21, so those are the scriptures that I will be reading. There was a man from Ramathaim Zophim in the hill country Ephraim. His name was Elkanah, son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son Zuph, an Ephraimite.

He had two wives. The first name Hannah, and the second name Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah was childless. This man would go up from his town every year to worship and to sacrifice to the Lord of host at Shiloh where Eli's two sons, Hophni and Phinehas were the Lord's priest.

Whenever Elkanah offered a sacrifice, he always gave portions of the meat to his wife, Peninnah and each half to her sons and daughters, but he gave double portion to Hannah for he loved her even though the Lord had kept her from conceiving. Her rival would taunt her severely just to provoke her because the Lord had kept Hannah from conceiving. Whenever she went up to the Lord's house, her rival taunted her in this way. Every year, Hannah would weep and would not eat.

Hannah, why are you crying? Her husband Elkanah ask, why won't you eat? Why are you troubled? Am I not better to you than 10 sons? Hannah got up after they ate and drank at Shiloh. Eli, the priest was sitting on a chair by the doorstep of the Lord's tabernacle deeply hurt. Hannah prayed to the Lord and wept with her many tears. Making a vow, she pleaded, Lord of host, if you will take notice of your servant's affliction, remember and not forget me, and give your servant a son, I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life. His hair will never be cut.

While she was praying in the Lord's presence, Eli watched her lips. Hannah was speaking to herself, although her lips were moving, her voice could not be heard. Eli thought she was drunk. He scolded her. How long are you going to be drunk? Get rid of your wine. No, my Lord, Hannah replied. I am a woman with a broken heart. I haven't had any wine or beer. I've been pouring out my heart before the Lord. Don't think of me as a wicked woman, I've been praying from the depth of my anguish and resentment. Eli responded, go in peace and may the God of Israel grant you the petition you've requested from him. May your servant find favor with you? She replied, then Hannah went on her way. She ate and no longer appeared downcast.

The next morning, Elkanah and Hannah got up early to bow and worship the Lord. Afterwards, they returned home to Ramah. Then Elkanah was intimate with his wife, Hannah, and the Lord remembered her. After some time Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, because she said, I requested him from the Lord.

When Elkanah and all his household went up to make the annual sacrifice, his vow offering to the Lord, Hannah did not go and explained to her husband, after the child is weaned, I will take him to appear in the Lord's presence to stay there permanently. Her husband, Elkanah replied, do what you think is best and stay there until you've weaned him. May the Lord confirm your word. So Hannah stayed there and nursed her son until she weaned him. When she had weaned him, she took him with her to Shiloh as well as a three year old bull, two and one and a half gallons of flour, and a jar of wine. Though the boy was still young, she took him to the Lord's house at Shiloh.

Then they slaughtered the bull and brought the boy to Eli. Please my Lord, she said, as sure as you live my Lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the Lord. I prayed for this boy. And since the Lord gave me what I ask him for, I now give the boy to the Lord. For as long as he lives, he is given to the Lord. Then he bowed and worship the Lord.

First Samuel chapter two. Hannah prayed, my heart rejoices in the Lord. My horn is lifted up by the Lord, my mouth boast over my enemies, because I rejoice in your salvation. There is no one holy like the Lord. There is no one besides you. And there is no rock like our God. Do not boast so proudly, or let arrogant words come out of your mouth, for the Lord is a God of knowledge and actions are weighed by him.

The Bows of the warriors are broken, but the feeble are clothed with strength. Those who are full hire themselves out for food, but those who are starving hunger, no more. The barren woman gives birth to seven, but the woman with many sons pines away. The Lord brings death and gives life; he send some to Sheol and he raises others up.

The Lord brings poverty and gives wealth; he humbles and he exalts. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the garbage pile. He seats them with noble men. He gives them a throne of honor. For the foundations of the earth are the Lords. He has set the world on them. He guards the steps of his faithful ones, but the wicked are silence in darkness for a man does not prevail by his own strength.

Those who oppose the Lord will be shattered, he will thunder in the heavens against them. The Lord will judge the ends of the earth. He will give power to his king, and lift up the horn of his anointed. Elkanah went home to Ramah, but the boy served the Lord in the presence of Eli, the priest.

I'm jumping to verses 19 to 21. Each year, his mother made him a little robe and took it to him when she went with her husband to offer the annual sacrifice. Eli would bless Elkanah and his wife: may the Lord give you children by this woman in place of the one she has given to the Lord, then they would go home. The Lord paid attention to Hannah's need, and she conceived and gave birth to three sons and two daughters. Meanwhile, the boy Samuel grew up in the presence of the Lord.

I wanted to share that story like the book shares that story; before I give what I was inspired to share. So what I've got in my own words is Hannah rejoice over her enemies with God's help. She rejoices in God's salvation. God saved her out of her troubles by giving her a son. There is no one holy than the Lord. There is no one besides God. He is the one and only. There is no rock like our God, He's a strong and firm foundation. Do not boast so proudly or let the arrogant words come out of your mouth, for the Lord is a God of knowledge and actions weigh by him.

The bows of the warriors are broken. Without the bows, how can the warrior be a warrior? But the feeble are clothed by strength. God gives strength alone. Those who are full with food hire themselves out for food. But those who are starving, hunger no more. As God will provide, God will provide the barren woman gives birth to five children plus Samuel, but the woman of many signs pines away. When God bless, it is bountiful more than we can handle. That is how God bless us. The Lord brings death and it gives life. There is a time to be born and a time to die. There is a time for everything. He sent some to Sheol and he raises others up. The Lord bring poverty and he gives wealth.

He humbles and he exalts, he raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the garbage pile. He set them with no home and gives them a throne off honor. For the foundations of the earth are the Lords. The Lord created heaven and earth. He has set the world on them. He guards the steps of the faithful ones, but the wicked are silenced in darkness.

For man does not prevail on his own strength. Those who oppose the Lord will be shattered. He will thunder in the heavens against him. The Lord will judge the ends of the earth. He will give power to his king. He will lift up the horn of his anointed. Elkanah went home to Ramah, but the boy served the Lord in the presence of Eli, the priest.

Ramah is also where Saul, the king of Israel, get his anointing by Samuel with the oil. Very interesting. Hannah and Elkanah gave birth to Samuel, God's first prophet and priest. Hannah prayed and cried out to God for Samuel, and kept her promise to God. God was faithful to Hannah and she has five more children and she was barren before.

God is the God of all. He created us, and the heavens and the earth. Do we know who we pray to? Do we really know? Serve and seek God first, cry and complain to God first before we want to share with our neighbor. Do it first to God. Take it to the Lord and pray first, and God will lead you from there. Trusting him and him alone.

The Lord blessed Hannah with her children. Hannah was faithful where Samuel was concerned. Hannah still came, she and her husband every year to do sacrificing. Samuel matured and grew in the Lord. Eli sons were doing bad things in the Lord's eyes, stealing from the offerings and sleeping around with the woman of the tent of meeting. It's supposed to be holy, but it was being defiled.

The Lord send a prophet. I wanna emphasize a few things. What stood out for me is, I'm in the south, and I'm learning a lot cause its region offers it's own good and bad. Right? And with God's grace, He gives us discernment. There's a saying in the south where we say, "I've got some tea for you." I'm like, what's that? I got some tea. No, I don't wanna know some tea. But that's the saying in the south, and we are so quick, and we are so fast to pick up that call; and to speak to one of our girlfriends or BFF.

What I love about Hannah because I would say, what an incredible woman? I say, Hannah, you have an enemy that taunted you, year after year after year. I mean, I know when I break down and I cry in front of the creator, when he strips you, and you have your moment with him. Like you know that you gotta speak to him, but no, you wanna speak to Sophia, to Michelle, or to Joan. You wanna speak to them, but none of them can do anything for you. But the human nature, you wanna let everybody know, and then we wanna go our Father. And guess what?

Now, you first have to repent. You first have to be stripped naked and then we speak to our Father. Once our father hears our cry, He does like any mother, we don't like it if of our children come to us hurt and broken. We wanna be superwoman right now. We wanna be superman right now because how dare they do this to my daughter.

So much more is our Father. Hannah was such a wise woman because even though she was taunted year after year after year, she knew who to cry to. She knew where her strength comes from. God makes us barren, and God gives us children. I like that she knows who a maker is. She knows who gives. I think it was more the enemy taunting her that broke her. Because she knew that God gives children and that God makes us not to have children.

She had the wisdom and the understanding that's why she wasn't broken because of not giving birth, but we know how we have an enemy that just don't stop. And I'm not just talking about the enemy out there, I'm talking the enemy called the flesh. If we do not read our word on a daily, if we do not have time alone with our father, if we do not fast, guess what who taunts us is called the flesh, and that's all that he can do to the flesh is taunt us. It's called the enemy. The enemy, inner me will come for us if we don't know who our true creator is. If we don't know where our validation lies, and our validation is in our creator.

Like Queen Betty always say, we are beautifully marvelously and wonderfully made. We are a masterpiece. If we have that validation in our Father, we are all Hannahs because she's wise. Because she cried to the source. She didn't go to the neighbor, she didn't go give the tea. She gave the tea to her Father where she knew her cometh from.

So when I read this for the first time, I knew Hannah. But to take it further, she was the mother of Samuel. She had prayed for a son, and gave him back to God. I don't know about you guys, but that would have been difficult. My only son that I prayed for that God gave me, and now I give you to God. Like I said, not knowing if there was gonna come more, but she was a woman of integrity.

God was faithful, Hannah was faithful. And guess what? God bless her with bountifully. You know, when we listen to the enemy and we lean on our own understanding, I'm just thinking, what if Hannah decided, you know what, after I wean this baby boy, oh no, he ain't going to the Lord. What? Then I'm not gonna have any children. I prayed for this. The Lord is merciful. The Lord gave me Samuel. So I don't really think I have to give it to the Lord, because guess what? He gave it to me. She could have justified, she could have leaned on her own understanding, but she didn't. And every year she went up and she was joyful because she had her son and she didn't even have to have her son with her.

As we know, I have a three year old, I don't want him to even be 10, but guess what? This is part of life. He has to grow up and go out in this world. But imagine if J2 is one now, and okay now, go to the temple and go work for the Lord. What? I mean this woman, like I said, when I heard her prayer, a prayer of rejoicing, she was praising, and she was giving God the glory; and God the honor. On She woke me and shaped me to say, do you know your father? Do you really know who He is?

I have a few points and I'll give it over. Like I said, God gives and He takes. God makes us barren and He makes us fruitful. And I'm saying barren not just in having sons and having daughters, I'm talking about walking in our spiritual light and walking darkness.

They say, when the Lord calls you, nobody can say no. When it's time that he awakes you, then it's time to come home. Cry out to God. Like I said, no mother, no father wants their daughter or their son to cry out. How much more our Father will fight for you. He will do what he needs to do. And the last one I got, be careful who God takes.

My last point is be careful with people. You don't know their relationship with the creator. Especially be careful of the broken hearted. Be careful of the needy. We do not know their cry unto the Father. If I say be careful, I mean let's treat everybody with love and kindness. One of our pastors normally say this, "you never know when you will be needing a cold cup water on a hot summer's day." You don't know, so let us be prayed up. Let us pray for each other and let us treat everybody with kindness, with compassion and with love.

Betty 25:04

Queens. Thank you so much for spending time listening to SheSpeaksLove podcast and being part of this amazing sister keeper community. Our heart is to bring you content that is educational, inspirational, relatable, and it encourages you to share the power of your voice.

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