SheSpeaks Love

The Transformation of Sarah

• SheSpeaksLove • Season 1 • Episode 11

In today's episode, we will discuss its attribute and qualities of Sarah.  Sarah, formally known as Sarai, became the mother of Israel and changed the nation. She learned that great change doesn't come without trials. Waiting can be the most enduring time for anyone, but God's promises are worth the wait. Don't lose faith in the waiting period because will always keep His word.


- The road of desperation leads to demotion 

- Wait on God's timing because it comes without sorrow

- Don't lose faith during the waiting period

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The Transformation of Sarah

Betty 00:01

Hello Queens. Welcome to SheSpeaksLove women of the Bible series. We're so excited to share these incredible women of the Bible and highlight their personal story and their legacy. These podcasts will encourage, inspire and share wisdom from God's word, as it relates to women in our unique circumstances.

Let's get into their nominal story and the power of their voice today's woman of the Bible is Sarah presented by Queen Victoria

Victoria 00:45

for our word, we're gonna start off in Genesis. And so the first scripture that I'm gonna give you is gonna be Genesis 17 and 15. And so I have the keen James version. I'm gonna read that out to you.

And it said, God said, said into Abraham, as for Sarah, the wife shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. And so I wanted to start with that first, first, because the name changed was very important to me and it signified a lot. And so I want you to just keep that in mind, cause we're gonna circle back too.

And then in the story, which all of us know, you know, the story with Sarah is that she was barren. So Sarah was in lack if she was needing some things from God that she can only get from him. And so that involved her having to do a lot of waiting for what she wanted which was a child that she didn't have.

And we know that Sarah was at an old age, so she was familiar with going a long period of time of having been. She was familiar and comfortable with not having something that she wanted. And she had made up her mind that that's what it was. And she was okay with it. And she was fine without having it.

Cause after 90 years, you know, you kinda lose hope in something. You know, Sarah lived a long time and I was just thinking, I was like, Lord, Sarah lived for 90 years. You know, wanted something that not having it. I live for 90 minutes and I'm like, Lord, I asked. 90 minutes ago, what is going on? Where is Val?

Like I need to understand. And so just a different time period, different space, but still having that emptiness and that one and that desire. And so in Genesis, when we go over to Genesis 17, yep. I'm sorry. Yeah. Genesis 1719. And that is where God is talking. Abraham was talking and we know that God came down and told Sarah, Hey, I know you've been barring all this time.

It's not something that you can foresee, cuz she had counted herself out, but he says, Hey, I'm gonna give you a son and his name is gonna be Isaac. And so Sarah like me and I don't know if anybody else can relate. Sometimes gotta come and tell us things that are so above the limitations that we've said, that it's hard for us to grasp the things that he's saying to us.

So the lawyer said some things to me and I'm like, Lord, I know, you know everything, but have you considered this? Did you think about that? You know, I'm this old, you know, I did that, you know, have you really thought about it? And sometimes it's hard for us to just take what God says and say, Hey, okay. Like we're in disbelief.

And the Bible says she laughed ourselves. Like she was just like, this is crazy. This is ridiculous. This doesn't happen. Like, Lord, I heard you, I hear you, but that's just not how things go. And so God promised Sarah that she would have a son and they would name him , Isaac. And after a while, cause you have to keep in mind.

Sarah was in the habit of going without something. So she's giving up. And so now she has hope that it's coming, but now Sarah is back and. How many know if you don't get it right? The first time the Lord will send it back. And so Sarah, the first time she gave up hope wasn't really waiting. She just was over it at this point, Lord, it's not gonna happen.

I'm gonna count my losses. I'm going on to something else. And so this time she knows that it's coming, but she has to wait and keep in mind that God is on the way. But when he called her and said that he would do it for her. So Sarah is waiting. Sarah is waiting and after a while waiting, Sarah is fed up again.

Sarah said Lord came to me. I was minding my business. I was in here making these biscuits. I didn't ask you for it. I was comfortable. I was fine. You made me this promise Lord. And where are you? I didn't ask you for this now, Lord, like you bought this to me. Cause it's some things that we don't even know that we can ask for, or even think or fathom to ask God for, but he'll show you that he wants to give it to you and that you'll have.

And so now I know for me, sometimes I get antsy and I'm just like, okay, I saw it, Lord, you said it like, where is it? Like, you know, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, Sarah is waiting. So Sarah decided, you know, I have a hand made and I can make this happen on my own. You know, God said he would come through, I don't see it happening, but where there's a will, there's a way, and it's not God's will and not his way, but I'm Sarah and I've done figured it out.

I found the loophole in this thing and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. And so I definitely register with that. Cause I will find a loop like, Hmm, we can make this work. Like how can I benefit this? I'm not the smartest, but I got enough smile, Lord. I got enough sense. I can throw some things together. And so Sarah said, You know, Hey, this is my handmaiden, Hey guard.

And I need y'all to make this happen for me. And at that time period, we know that if the workers like the service of that land, whoever they were working for, they were to have kids. Those kids would technically be Sarah's. So she wouldn't birth them. They wouldn't physically, you know, belonged to her, but they would be considered her children.

So she was like, Lord, you taking too long. You got me all hyped up. You done walked away from. So I'm gonna pull this off on my own. And so we know that ended very, very badly for her. Like it came with a lot of turmoil. Cause whenever we step outside of God's will you have to be prepared? The things there are things and consequences that are waiting on you.

Soon as you jump out of that line, soon as you move out of that protection, as soon as you walk away from God, it's some things that are waiting on you. You're not just sitting there like, you know, this ends a war and things are going. So she got Hagar. They have this baby, you know, the baby's there.

Sarah's really not pleased. She's not happy. And then we know God fulfilled his promise that Sarah, he came back and he did what he said he would do. So now Sarah has her child that she birthed on her own. So the things that God said did come to pass as they always do. And so now Sarah's trying to clean up her mess, cuz she gets to look at the physical representation of what it means.

When we create our own will, and now she's looking at her mess and she doesn't like it. She doesn't like the decision she's made. She has to walk around every day and hear this baby, see him grow up. And she's reminded that not only did she then wait on God, but now that he's fulfilled and she wants to go back and kind of undo what she's done.

And so I was just like, Lord Sarah, like Hmm. Like anybody. And I was just like, Lord, sometimes. We just get so much in a rush. I know I get so much in a rush for things, especially the things I see. And I think it's so funny that sometimes we say, Lord, if you give us a sign that it's gonna work out. If you talk to us and let us know that you're gonna bring us through and that it's gonna be okay, we say that'll be enough to get us by.

But in reality for most, if not all of us, it's not enough. Cause it's like you come so close to something, you can taste. and sometimes God confirming that, Hey, I'm gonna do this for you. Just makes you want it more. And then you started to count the doc the time you started to count the days and it starts to drive you crazy if you'll let it.

And so I was like, Lord, like, how does this relate? You know, just me and my life personally. And so one of the first things God said to me was he said four things to me. And one of the things he pointed out about me as well as Sarah is that she was just so desperate for wholeness and fulfillment and happiness.

Those were the things she wanted back in that time period, you know, it was almost looked at something very bad to not birth and give children. So I'm sure it was very hard for her to walk around and see everybody. Like my cousin had three babies yesterday. Lord. And these people are throwing baby showers.

And these, everybody around me seems to have the things I want. I was just thinking about some things that I want in life. The things that the Lord said, he'll give me. And I'm just like, that person has it already. And that person is a little bit younger, which started to look at those things around us.

And so the thing is once you get desperate, sometimes you make a lot of mistakes. You're not really thinking clearly. So God also had me to say that desperation that doesn't lead to God is demotion. So whenever we're going after something, and we're trying to do things that don't lead us to God, but we're just in our own way, trying to get it the way we want it.

We often end up burst off in what we started. So Sarah has made all this mess and like messes I've made in my life and working overtime to accomplish and get. And at the end of it, I'm worse off than I was before. So it's not even a hamster going on a wheel. It's basically just standing up, turning around and walking backwards and you're doing all this work and you end up with nothing.

Okay. Unless we all know like a promise from God will come to pass, like always, and even without the time limits and restraints. Cause our time is not God's time cuz God is not in time. And so just being patient with. And so that was a big thing. So I was just thinking, I was just like, Lord, help me relate.

Cause I know sometimes reading the Bible things seem so evident. It's just like, Lord, you know, the ears are like, you just freedom. You just show them all this stuff. How are they unhappy? How can they complain? And it's just like, but we do it today. And all the things that we want can be different, but sometimes we find ourselves getting outta God's will and trying to make things happen.

Either the time enough God. And so he is just like, just sit there and just think about all the things you've done, you know? To try to grasp and get the things that you wanted. Cause at sometimes I know I've even surprised myself with the low lows that I have went to accomplish things that even at this day, I still don't have because God's in control of everything.

And so just trying to outrun him and just get in the way of what he do, what, what he's doing, never works. And so just coming back, even. To that name? Cause it said at the beginning

and it says at the. At the beginning, you know, Sarah's name got changed. And so that was the biggest takeaway from this lesson for me. And one of the things God told me to ask you guys was, what's your name? Right. Like, what is your name? And so, and that question has even been phrased to me just like even throughout this week, literally like, oh, you know, not from a new person, but for people who already know me, because in your name is your identity.

And I thought, well, what's so cool about. This. And what happened with Sarah is that before Sarah found out how God was gonna use her, cuz we all know that God had this huge promise and this huge plan for her spouse that he changed her name first, before he told her what was coming before she had to do anything before her failures, before her mistakes, before she had to figure it out.

And you know, he changed her name first and I was just like, And it was asked to me and I was just like, you know, my name's my name. And I had to think about it. And even like, you guys know now, and it's at the bottom of that screen and my name is Victoria and I was just looking over. Cause you know, all words have meaning and I have a friend of mine and every time she sees me, she's like, oh, Hey victory, how are you doing?

And it used to throw me off. I'm like, girl, first of all, you don't know the struggle, but just, and God had to remind me. That even with my name, even though physically, it didn't change what my identity was ch had changed. And so even with that name, just looking at it differently because I don't have to be a Felicia.

I don't have to be tiny. I don't have to be anything else. I just have to be me, but I have to be the version of me that God has called me to be. And so he told me to ask, like, what is your name? And so that was a big thing we're looking at with Sarah. Because we all know she did a lot wrong. She didn't get it right.

She was hasty and we've been reading by all these wonderful women who was just so strong and they stood down and they conquered and they stopped wars. All Sarah had to do was keep waiting on something that she didn't even know she could have anyway. And it sounds so simple, but God changed her name and he used her anyway.

And so I was like, Lord, I'm just so thankful. That in spite of everywhere I've been. And in spite of everything I've done, you know, that you changed my name and you call me by the name you call me by. And the thing about it, that was just so big to me is even when God changed your name, cuz he said, when he said, you can try to answer by your old name, you have that option.

like, you can answer by your old name and you can answer and be tied and bound down by all those things that come with your old identity and where you been. And I was just like, Lord, like, cuz the Lord changed. My we're coming up on an anniversary this year, me and the Lord, like I've been, you know, at church all my life and doing ministry and different things all of my life, but I sat down and I thought about it and it was almost five years ago when.

Me and God talked where I could hit him for real, for real. And I found out like, what I wanna say, 20, 21 in there. And I found out for the first time that God didn't hate me. He wasn't disappointed with me and that he loved me. And so that was the kickoff of our relationship because I had known of him so long, but not only did I know of them, what I knew was incorrect.

So we had to go back and rewrite. But just our personal relationship. And how many of you know that when you meet a person, like the first thing you do is ask for what you ask for their name. Like, who are you, what's your identity? And so just throughout this, going on five years, you know, me and God has just been having these conversations.

We're not only one sided. Cause you know, God have to let you know some stuff about you. He's just like, Hey, this is my name and this is who I am. But guess what? This is your. and this is who you are. And so he had to teach me and show me that because of the things that I answered to and how I represented myself, because he knows all, and he's my heavenly father.

He knew that I was incorrect. And so that's a big question. Like, what's your name? And a lot of times, even people like me and I use myself, for example, always cause Lord knows. I got enough examples to give. Surely be out here living life. I got enough examples to give, and I was just like what I've answered by so many things.

Cause I've always thought that I was the sum of my feelings and I was the sum of things that I did. So I was just like, you know, like anything love for fornication or I answered to that and I accepted that as my identity. Because that's what I knew. And so that's what I called myself. Like, I was really big, which is hard for people to believe a miracle often in more ways than one.

Like, I was really bitter. I was mean, you know, I had an attitude problem. I didn't wanna know people. And they tried to know me. I let them know. I didn't wanna know them. And even when y'all met me, I was coming at the end. Like it was a beginning to that, like , I was awful. And I was like, that's what I answered to.

Like that's who I am. I am unforgiving, you know, like, that's my identity before I can tell you my name. I wanna make sure you know, that I am unforgiving Lord. I am love for, I am a sinner. You know, I am not friendly. All of these things, you know, I am struggle. I am always behind. I am lacking, you know, and even with the things I've.

And just a whole list. Lord knows, you know, and even abuse cuz God was just talking to me about that. It's just like things happen. And oftentimes I would even think of my and call myself those names. But even the things that have happened to me, I took on that as well. And let that be my identity. Like I am a victim, you know, I am abused cuz it happened to me and I still remember, I deal with it.

So. Who I am. And when I would think of my names, I would think of all these things. And I was just like, Lord. And it was sadden me cause I had the wrong perception. So I was just like, yeah, Lord, like all the things I've done. Like that's who I am. Like, I am that abortion. And I am that unforgiveness. And I am that girl who ran up on that, man tried to hit him with that car, Lord.

Yes, I was over that curve. You know, I am like, I am the cursing and I am the loud and I am the not nice. And all of these things. And so when I had a face up like a face to face with Jesus when we were talking and which is an ongoing process, he was just like, Hey, what's your name? And he, let me tell him as if he didn't know how about here, pretending in these streets to be something that I wasn't gonna be.

And he, let me tell him, and he's just been re rewriting that. So I'm so thankful that God knows my. and not just who I am and look down, which is amazing that he talk to me and he can look down with me and he trusts me and he shares things with me. But just even a step further, Lord, you knew my name, but I didn't know my name.

You know, like you knew where I was at when I didn't know where I was at. I'm not gonna cry. Cuz I'm a gangster. Like you just, even before I realized that it was things that I needed to. Things that I needed to do. Lord, you covered me. You protected me just in spite of, cause it sounds so simple. And so that was the thing.

Cause you know, Lord be saying a lot of stuff, he be doing his dizzle, just like Lord, like all the things you've done for me. Like places, I shouldn't have been people I shouldn't have been around. And even with the bad things and things that I saw as bad and negative. That I took negatively and it took me time to go back and put it in God's perspective.

It's just like, Lord, you always kept me an amazing God, but it's just like the layers to who he is. Cause the thing is, God is amazing for you personally, even when you don't know it. Not even for the things you can get credit for. He's not looking to get credit or understand even the things you can't see, like just even before the cause the Bible said Genesis, cause y'all we in Genesis, like in the beginning I was just the beginning.

So I just started looking at the beginning and I was like, Lord, that's so simple. Like we asked children that all the time, like, what's your name? Like who are you? And unfortunately, But it's okay. Cuz everything works out for the good of those who love the Lord is that sometimes we're adults that are walking around in identity prices and our identity has been stolen.

And we don't know that we've gone without our names. We're nameless. Like we don't know who we are. And I was just like, Lord, it sounds so simple. Cause like in church, all my lights, we there four times a week and I know what it sounds like, and I know what it looks like and I know how it's supposed to feel.

And I know I'm supposed to like it. I'm supposed to be here and I'm not supposed to be a sit anymore because we had a sermon on it and they said, you don't do this and you do do that. And I was just like, well, I get that. That's fine. I guess we'll just keep trying. And so we had that encounter. I was just super excited and happy.

Beyond that, cause I'm just like, I've had it all wrong and I'm just so thankful that the Lord humbled me. He's able to put me in a situation in that moment with him. And just in general, when I can say, Hey, I got it wrong. I messed it up and that's okay. And just like, even with dad did for Sarah, she didn't do it.

Perfect. She didn't trust God, like she was supposed to, she didn't hold out on faith. Like she was supposed to, she didn't wait how some other people would have waited. She wasn't sitting there fastening and praying and declaring anything. The Bible says she was just existing and fine with how things were, but God knew her name.

And because he knew her name, he knew the things she would do and how supported her role was. And even when he.

Her that role. And she had to walk in it, even though she messed it up, it still came to pass. I just think that so thankful that we serve a God who is the ultimate insurance, like he's gonna cover you, you might skip a payment, but you still cover, like, he's gonna make sure he covers you and you know, and keeps you.

And another question God just asked you to ask was what are you, or who are you connected to is a big thing because. And it's hard to say, but it's likely that cuz Sarah was barring, the Bible said she was barring. So this wasn't an issue that Abraham had. This was an issue with Sarah's body. And if Sarah didn't marry the man that God told her to marry, she probably would've never had kids.

She would've been barring her law. She would've been missing it if she wasn't connected to the right people for that purpose. Cause that was God's plan at the field. And I think about that and I'm just like, Lord. I just thank you for just being connected to you first and almost, but all the people that you sent to come after me and to connect to me, to show me that the bareness that I have and the spots that I needed to feel it was possible, and that you were coming to, that you would do it.

Cause it all says faith comes by hearing. Right. And so I was like, I'm just so thankful that I'm just not out here in LA by myself, wondering and not know. Just like, I wondered all that time being nameless like just to be in a new season and be in a new time where y'all can go back and restore and give you all the things you lost.

And so I was just like, Lord, like, I love this story because it's not clean. Cut. It's not perfect. And I love an underdog story. Call me. But I love it. And I love to see how God fights for those, for texts and covers and redeems those that others say can't be redeemed. Cause it was people even herself who looked at her and said, you're 90 years old.

You are a bear. It's over for you. Even Abrahams, like you, don't have any kids. You've been with your wife all these years. This is ridiculous. And so we'll count ourselves out or let other people count us out of the blessings in God. Things that God has shown us and said to us, because we don't understand what our names are.

And I think especially as women, just the different things you do. And I can't speak on it too much, cuz I've been delivered. Cause I am divorced. I do my praise break after, but you know, women's just like, you know, you're this at the house and you're the, you know, you cook and you clean and you're the wife and you take care of this and you take care of children and you set in the gap.

And, you know, I think it's funny how oftentimes when people think of prayer warriors, they think of women and all these things. And so you have all these roles and people call you by many names and you're known for a lot of things, but just what I'm focused on in this season. It's not how other people see me and especially not how I see me.

Cause I realized a long time ago I had that all screwed up. But just like, what does, how does God see me? Like when he, when he calls my name and when he thinks of me, what is it, Victoria? The what? Because I need to be, cuz especially, even now just looking through my life. And especially even past saying that, I'll just say even with the divorce, because I'm not Victoria of the life anymore, but there's something.

And so now that the Lord has breast it away, I need to know Lord, what do you call me by how do you see me? Because things change and seasons change and people leave. And I could be Victoria, the godmother, and I could be Victoria, the best friend. And I could be these things, but relationships change, and seasons change.

So what is left once people move on and even with the purpose and God gave her this plan. And, you know, Sarah soon died at Abraham remarried, but even after that, like what is Victoria after the birth? Because we all have things that we were called to do, and God has been talking to me and he is like, we gotta get you together.

Because I gave you some things that I want you to birth and you've been withholding it. And you calling yourself AC in pain because you just won't get a position to push it out. And so I need you to do those things. And part of me was very scared about that. Cause I'm like, Lord, we going on our five years and you'd have bought me way farther than I ever thought you would.

And now you're giving me all these things and I'm having to birth these things. And a big concern for me was okay. because that's how life is once it's birthed and once it's done, what do I do then? Like, who am I after I write the book? Who am I after I finish the conference? Who am I after I go to the meeting?

Who am I after I pay this or so into this? And so just asking God to guide me and show me that identity, that's deep. That's for me personally. Because we know what the word is saying. We are, and it's important. And we are faithfully and wonderfully made and we are more than conquerors, but God has a name for me.

That's not his name for you. You know, God has things for me that are not for anybody else. And just that personalized relationship and thing is super important. And I was just like, Lord, I'm just so happy that I'm not name. You know, like I am marked, you can find me, but I would say that we are sealed Lord for forbid is something happen.

And I passed away today. Like, what good is it for you to get me a headstone? And it doesn't have my name on it. Like what good is that? That helps no one. And so that's just the season that I'm in and God just wanted me to share. What's your name and what are you connected to? Because it's important. So I was just like, Lord, show me, lead me, help me.

I've been blocking people all day. The Lord knows I ain't playing no games. And sometimes I felt bad. It's just like, no, even maybe write a list, purpose, killers, time wasters. I told you to be done with that. Why they still there? But the thing is my own name. Would've kept that around because I can convince them.

That's my purpose. I'm new now. I'm different. I'm gonna keep doing it until they see it and I'm gonna keep going until they feel it until they agree with it. Come in agreement, just like, even with Sarah, like, oh, like God's gonna do that. Ha ha ha. Like you're turning into the people that are looking at you saying that God won't do it for you.

And I don't wanna join the side of the people who are against me and who don't see the vision that God has for me. Like if you can't be on my side or be one of the people who sees what he sees and helps me and invades me and pushes me forward. Then because of the new identity I have and the new name that I have, it's no space in my story for you, you know?

And so I'm just so thankful. And even with Sarah and just going back and looking at what she done and the mess she's made, and she's just like, Hey, I gotta get out here. Tell your baby mama, tell to get her baby, get the diapers, get on some milk. Lord can of Sime but she has to go like she can't be here.

And I was just like, Lord and the Lord, let him do it. And at first, I'm just like she was wrong. She did all this. She created this mess. And just thinking about it further, I was just like, Lord, how blessed are we that even when we made messes that we can't clean up.

You'll let it walk away from us when we start relationships, we're not supposed to start. You'll let 'em in so we can get on with the bigger picture. We go and plan ourselves in places we're not supposed to be. You'll say, Hey, it's okay. Just pick up and start over. And God is just so gracious and loving and kind.

And so just so happy that like Sarah, I like the underdog, cause that's my team. That God knew my name before I knew it. And he knew the plans he had for me before he even told, and even still plans that I don't know. And I'm so thankful that even when I mess up or I slip or I feel like because of my righteousness, I could do better or I could have seen it better, or I shouldn't have done this, that I know that God will fulfill his purpose for his glory for his namesake.

That's the thing about names is that God's name is above. And it's bigger than mine. So even when I'm not walking in my name and who I'm supposed to be, God's name, his identity never changes. Like he's still gonna show and do what he said and be who he's gonna be. Regardless of, if Victoria is walking in victory as she was called or not.

So I just love this story and then I'm gonna close. Cause I said, Lord, I'm gonna go get up here and talk to y'all all day. Cause know I talked but long periodically. And I was like, Lord, I'm just so thankful that you fulfilled the promise to Sarah even way back then. Cause I know that you're fulfilling them now.

And I'm so thankful that all the things that I'm desperate for and that I went out my way to get, and that I've even put myself in the corner in a wall trying to accomplish. And even the times that I, by going after it, the wrong way, because of your name and who you are, Lord, that promise will still come to pass.

Like I was bearing, you know, Sara was barring, but Sarah gave her, you know, so I'm so excited because you know, is gonna call her little Vicky was bearing and little Vicky was at hold. Vicky had a lot of stuff going on that Victoria's victorious and she's blessed what God said will happen and it will come to pass in his time and in the way he wants it.

And so I find peace, the rest in that. And so I feel like you guys should. And so for whatever it is that you feel like you're bearing. Cause you know, the bear is to not give fruit, whatever fruit you feel like should be there. That's not multiplying and not showing up. If God said it over you. Cause the Bible said he sings over us.

So if God said it over me, because he is who he is, he said what he said that it will come to pass. And so it's no time to get self-righteous or get down or get. Because those things will come to pass and he's good at his job. And he's been doing it for a long, long, long time. And so I just think he got so much prayer, just giving me this opportunity.

And I just think the lawyer for giving me Sarah to look at, pass the op you know what first meets the eye. And the failures and the blessing, but just to look at it from a standpoint where talk to me as far as just that name and identity and connection, because it's really important. And so I thank you ladies for your time.

Betty 33:12

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