SheSpeaks Love

The Wisdom of Sapphira

• SheSpeaksLove • Season 1 • Episode 12

In today's episode, we will discuss the attribute and qualities of Sapphira. The life of Sapphira exemplifies the consequences of grieving the Holy Spirit. God looks at the heart of a person and not the outside.


-  God sees our heart

- Do not seek to look good in front of people

- God hates sin, not the person

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The Wisdom of Sapphira

Betty 00:01

Hello Queens. Welcome to She Speaks Love Women of the Bible Series when she speaks her words A wise and she gives instructions with kindness. Proverbs 31: 26 we're so excited to share these incredible women of the Bible and highlight their personal story and their legacy. These podcasts will encourage, inspire, and share wisdom from God's word as it relates to women in our unique circumstances.

Let's get into their phenomenal story and the power of their voice. Today's woman of the Bible is Safara presented by Queen Cassandra.

Cassandra 00:56

So I mentioned in Acts chapter five versus one through 11. And so I'm just gonna go ahead and read her story since those verses are so so small. So let me, which version of the Bible this is, this is the new king, excuse me, New King James version of the Bible that I'm gonna be read from.

Okay. So the title of it of this section is called Lying to the Holy Spirit. Acts five verse one, but a certain man named Anna with fire, his wife sold the possession and he kept back part of the proceeds. His wife also being aware of it and brought a certain part and laed at the apostle's feet.

But Peter said, Elias, Why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep that part of price the land for yourself? While it remained, was it not your own and after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men, but to God.

Then Anai is hearing these words fell down and breathe. Excuse me, breathe. His last. So great fear came upon all those who heard these things and the young man arose and wrapped him up and carried him out and buried him. Now, it was about three hours later when his wife came in not knowing what had happened.

And Peter answered her, Tell me whether you sold land for so much. She said, Yes for so much. Then Peter said to her, How is it that you have agreed together to test the spirit of the Lord? Look for the feet of those who have buried your husband or at the door, and they will carry you out. Then immediately she felled down.

Excuse me, at his feet and breathed her last. And the young man came in and found her dead and carrying her out, buried her by her husband. So great fear came upon all the church and upon all who heard these things. Woo Lord, y'all just this quick little story. My, my daughter's aunt used to call her Anani all the time and I'd be like, Uhuh, don't you call my baby Then

And it's so funny because I think she didn't think I knew Anais was, I'm like, Oh, yeah, I know who Anani is. My baby's name is Anaya. So she say, Hey, Annia. Hey Lil Anani. I'm like, Mm, my baby dad. So anyway, but, so this right here is very, very scary, . It's very powerful to think that they literally feel dead, like instantly from lying.

Like, can you think will be anybody left if God did that right now, like absolutely not. Because what do we do? We say, Oh, it's just a little white lie. I don't know what color lies are, but a lie is a lie and it's not, you know, grieve the Holy Spirit. But they lied and and that was their punishment.

Instantly they were. Killed. So I read from a lot of different material and so some of the resources, I just kind of tried to pull 'em all together. And from my Bible, I have the the me author study Bible. So some of the things that they talked about when they talked about this passage of scripture, first and foremost, God sees our heart and so,

Wait, your music sounded

The last we heard gun God sees our heart . Gotcha. That was the first thing God sees our heart. First Samuel 16 and seven, and I'm gonna find on my phone cause I'm so used to this digital Bible, so.

First Samuel. Oh testament verse Samuel chapter 16, verse seven, and it reads the new international version on my Bible and on my phone it says, But the Lord said to Samuel, Do not, excuse me. Do not consider his appearance or height for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at things. People get, People look at the out appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

So what I also read during all this was that during that time, what they would do is people, the church, the church was growing and so people would sell their possessions or sell extra land if people were wealthy, they would sell those things and give the portion, give it to the apostles. They give all of it to the apostles.

So what n and I did in Safara was that they can start to just give them a portion. And, and say that it was the whole amount. And so, you know, like Peter said in the scripture, was it not yours to do what you wanna do with, you know, so, but they lied. And so what, what, what one version said was that they were wanting to look good in the eyes of man, wanted to get favor with the people, you know what I'm saying?

So to speak. So they lied to God so that they would be looked upon favorably from every. And so I will mention this. I saw that an i's name meant Jehovah has been gracious, so I know we're not talking about him, but, and then it said he, he was, God favored them with wealth, but they responded by cheating.

So that was just something I thought was interesting. I wanted that little ti in there. But what else? Let me see. So God sees the heart. I lost my paper. That's what I was looking for. Y. Oh, there you go. All right. The next one is, God hates sin. And so we know, like I said, that it was a sin because she, they lied to the whole spirit, and so God concerned about the purity of his church.

And so this was something that they were doing to that kinda undermine the apostles because they had the authority. They were trying to build the church and make sure everybody was taken care of and all their needs were met. And so this was kind of like an undermining of their authority. And so one, one resource said that they pretty much like izing her and Safara thought that Peter.

I don't wanna say stupid, but for, you know, you understand what I'm saying? They thought Peter wasn't as intelligent, I guess. And so that's kind of why they did that. And they were saying that that would draw, they wanted to draw the people away from the disciples and to follow them. So they were trying to.

You know, to steal the, the apostles funder, so to speak. So of JD Gries, I got this off of their website, so I don't wanna be trying to plagiarize, you know, but . But so this says in the church there are two kinds of people and they're impossible to distinguish from the outside. Because like I said before, God knows our heart.

So they passed the, the land portion of the money as the entire amount. And it was their love of money and their desire for people's praise. The second point was we cannot hide from God. The secrets of your heart are not secret to God. So y'all never going too fast. I don't, I don't wanna go too fast.

All right, so the first point was there two types of people that you can't distinguish on the outside because God know the heart. Of course, we know people that can say the right things and wear the right things and you know, look the part and you would think they're holy, but their heart so far from God.

So, and then the second point was we cannot hide from God. The secrets of your heart are not secret to God. The third thing was the closer we are to grace, the greater the offense of sin. So them, they're death serve as a sign because they were, you know, God was gracious to them and had favored them and gave them wealth.

And so for them to, you know, create such, to do such an event it was even greater because the amount of, you know, grace that they had been given. And the second thing is not the second thing. So it was, yeah, the closer we are, greater the events of sin. And then the fourth point was fear is a part of worship.

So fear of God is equal to, this was the definition that they gave fear of God. It's equal to all mixed withy, and I like that definition. Fear is a part of worship. And then the last point, hmm. Like I said before, it says sin is a deadly serious matter to God. So in then the question they asked was, why do we remain alive?

Right in between Betty. That was, that's why I wrote that down. I was like, Oh Lord, why am I still here? Cause if that was the case, I should have been gone a long time ago. So I'm give the answer. The answer is, God's patience is designed to lead to repentance.

I was trying to see is there any other scriptures I wanted to, cause it was just those five. Let's see, driving them around them. Oh, they also made reference to Josh chapter seven. Y'all look back at that. I'm not sure how long it is, Let me go there. But in the one acon, I think I'm saying his name right in the battle.

When he stole the things, remember they had gone to war and taken the articles that he wasn't supposed to take because God told them don't take anything. And so when he did that, it brought dishonor among them and he was finished by death as well. So that just was pointing out that God demanded honor.

And so that was in the Old Testament, and so Star was in the New Testament. So I kind of wanted to, I kept thinking about how I.

I was just trying to try to think of them as a pool, like, you know me, I wanna put it on him. Like, well, he told her to say this, so that's why she said that, you know, he was so mad he's head and all that. So I just kept kind of think like, I wonder why she chose to. To do that, I guess just to be obedient to her husband.

All that I could think. So y'all let me know what your thoughts are about that, like why I chose to deceive them as well. So but she didn't know that he fall in dead from that. She remember she came three hours later and so she said the same thing that they had said that her husband had said.

And so she suffered the same fate that her husband had suffered. So again, 5 1 3 11 was the story of Saara. The one I said, God sees the heart. That was first Samuel 1611. God hates sin. That was first Corinthians 11. It was Joshua seven that talked about the battle of acon. Queens,

Betty 12:16

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