SheSpeaks Love

The Honor of Naomi

• Season 1 • Episode 14

In today's episode, we will discuss the attribute and qualities of Naomi, a woman changed by bitterness. Naomi was saved from her bitterness by her faithful daughter-in-law, Ruth. Ruth's faith helped to transform Naomi and preserve her family.



- Have you felt that God has forsaken you?

- Don't let your situation change your view of life

- God will always make a way for you

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The Honor of Naomi

Betty 00:01

Hello Queens. Welcome to SheSpeaks Love Women of the Bible series. We're so excited to share these incredible women of the Bible and highlight their personal story and their legacy. These podcasts will encourage, inspire, and share wisdom from God's word as it relates to women in our unique circumstances. Let's get into the phenomenal story and the power of their voice. Today's woman of the Bible is Naomi, presented by Queen Alisa.

Alisa 00:45

Okay, ladies, I'm gonna start by asking a question, and my question is, have you ever felt that God has forsaking you? Where you felt. All the trials and tribulations you're going through, that you are become bitter with God, you know, questioning.

Why are you letting all this happen to me? Why so much fame? And I started off saying that because now we transitions from different emotions and her story. So, and you'll, you'll see as I talk about her, I will start off by saying, That Naomi. Okay. Naomi was described as a beautiful kindhearted, obedient, trusting, and had, was full of faith in God.

Naomi was married to Emma Lock and they were from Bethlehem in the town of Judah. Now, Judah had been stricken with famine, which means Scarcity of food, No food. You know, the food was limited because of whatever situation from maybe storms wars, but the food became limited. And you know, Mel Nutrition started seeking in with people of Ju Judah and you know, and that can lead to death. So Naomi's husband, Emma Lock, said we moved. So he grabbed Naomi, his two sons, and they moved to more.

Now in back in Judah was when the of the judges ruled and the man. Was the authority in the household. The older male in the family was the authority in the households, and the women were obedient to this. So when he said, We going to Moab, not of a country that had the same beliefs as the Israeli, Naomi listened to her husband and went along shortly driving in Mohab.

Naomi lost her husband in lock and was left for her two sons and her two sons as they grew. End up marrying two more white women and because they were living in the land they had, they married women from that. Although they didn't have the same beliefs as Naomi did, but so I think within the 10 years of a marriage, Naomi ended up losing her sons and she was left with her two daughter-in-law's, Ruth and Oprah.

Now, you only hear about Naomi really in the book of Oprah, her first few chapters by the fact that she lost her husband and her two sons, it changed her temperament towards. And she was mad at God. Basically, she was mad and she instructed her daughter's Ruth and Oprah, her daughter-in-laws Ruth and Oprah, to return home to their mother's house.

Because she was too old. She felt like she couldn't bear any more children and they didn't have the time. If she did bear a child, they didn't have time for to wait for that child to grow up and be with them. So she was instructing them. Go back to your mother's houses, and they all cried about it. They didn't wanna do it.

Oprah went, We think she went back to her mother's house, but Ruth. Being so faithful to her husband, Naomi Son, said, Wherever you go, I'll go. And you hear all about that in the book. That just begins the characteristic of Ruth and what she was about. She became obedient to her mother-in-law because she was married to this son.

In her neglect, Naomi allowed her to come back to EA along with her. And when they arrived in Joda, they were immediately noticed. Okay? And they like, Is that Naomi? Now, Naomi named, meant a pleasant person, a beautiful spirit. She told them then do not call me Naomi. Call me Mara, because I'm bitter. I'm mad at God.

Okay? So you call, don't call me. I'm not a beautiful person. I'm a mad woman. Okay. Cause he's taking my husband and my children and, and where we come from, you had to have a male that had the household. So she was lost in translation, you know? So her and Ruth there. Now, Ruth said to Naomi, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go and follow the harvest.

Trail behind them and pick up whatever they leave along, whatever they left. I'm gonna pick it up so we can eat, so we can have nutrition. And they were, you know, Barley was in season at this time. And as ru the daughter-in-law, when Naomi allowed her to do. And as Ruth doing what she said she's gonna do, being this obedient daughter-in-law, wanna help take care of her mother-in-law.

And you gotta talk about Ruth, while you talk about Naomi. I'm sorry was noticed. By Boaz and he asked, Who is this woman? Now, Boaz was in the same family lineage as Emma Lock,

so him and Naomi were family. Okay? Not knowing this anointing to Ruth. So he questioned, who is that woman trailing behind the men?

Behind the men gathering up barley and they told her, Oh, that's the, The moabite woman that came back with Naomi and they found favor in roots. Because how she was, so making sure her mother-in-law was okay because of the son. So she went back home to tell no to Naomi and Naomi, Naomi said, Well, how did the day go?

And she said, Well, I was doing what I said I was gonna follow by the harvesters and collecting bar. And the patriarch. Boas had noticed me and when I told him, well, they told him who I was. He wanted to speak with Naomi and he says, Naomi's husband is from my lineage, that's Naomi is my family. And he told every, all the harvesters, he actually told them to pick a little bit.

Leave her some good stuff, you know, And don't mess with her, basically. Cause you looking at her as she found me, you know? So in some way she found when she went home and stuff and she told Naomi about all this. Naomi was like, Okay. So Naomi, as a woman said, I'm gonna tell you how to approach your ball ass.

I want you to put your FiNet clothes on. I want you to smell good. Look at your. But stay hidden when you get there and when Bo ass lays down rest, I want you to uncover his feet and lay at his feet. Now this is a trap. This, this is a woman trap of the man. This mother-in-law is telling her daughter-in-law how to trap man, because you know, little kid, That's what she tell her.

Ralph did so, and when he had walked feeling somebody had his feet, he looked and said, Who is. And it was, and Ruth was me, Ruth, and he felt honored, you know, And that's when he really told his workers, take care of her. You follow the women and do what the women do. And then he still gave her extra, you know, And then eventually he took her as his Bri.

Okay, now remember Naomi was bitter because God had took her husband and her son, so she, that made her bitter mind you, Bo, as and as Ruth got married, Ruth better's child, she had seven children from Boaz and they said Naomi was the best grandmother. To those children and from once she was bitter was changed back.

God said, Let me redeem her, give her some grandchildren and. Because I love her, but you know, let me gain her respect. I feel like God was saying, let me gain her respect back. Let me get her back on the right track to the type of person she is. Cause naturally she's not a bitter woman, but she's upset. And that's basically all you hear about Naomi.

She, because she was bitter, she was first she was happy following the Laws of the land, following her husband. Then she lost her husband. And her sons and became a bitter woman. Although they was married, she instructed her daughter-in-laws to go back to their mothers cause there's nothing I can do for you.

Well, I go back to where I come from because they found out that the famine had gone away and they were harvesting. And Ruth being diligent, wife, even in her husband's death. Said, I'm going with my mother-in-law, you know, because of I gotta watch over you cuz he's not here and I'm here to take care of you.

That was very noble of Ruth. And so Naomi allowed her to do so. Like I said, in a nutshell, got there. She was still a bitter woman and in her bitterness, she taught her how to trap her man. She did what her mother-in-law said. Trap bow hands got 'em right where they wanted them. Married her, had seven children, made Naomi a grandmother, and now she was a happy woman.

Again, what God set out to do. Was to make Naomi a happy woman again by giving her grandchildren. That's moral. The story of now, I couldn't find no more history on now, but these first four chapters in the book of Ruth, and then the rest of the book of Ruth goes off into. Other stories, but Naomi, faithful, follower of God, obedient woman to her husband in the rules of the land, Happy in it, peace in it.

Humbled. Okay, they moved because the land became dangerous to their. So her husband being smart, Hey, I gotta get my family outta here. They moved and she'd follow her husband and then they met, you know, as soon as they got there, he died. So that's the first straw. And then she had sons that grew up and married and 10 years later they died.

So that's 1, 2, 3, that's three strikes. God you out. You know, that's how she felt. I'm just summarizing it all over again. And then she went back home and seen that Boaz somebody did, like a cousin, was interested finding favor in Ruth because of who, what Ruth did for Naomi. She said, Let me tell you how to trap this man basically.

And she did what she said and she got 'em and had seven grandchildren. Seven children, which made Naomi. A happy woman because she was there. She was a beautiful grandmother and supporting grandmother, and the bitterness faded away. And that's basically the story of Naomi. And I ask you, have you ever been mad at God?

I. Have been mad at God, have asked God, why have you forsaken me? Why am I going through all these health challenges? Why am I going through financial challenges? Why am I going through mental challenges? I don't, you know, my marriage didn't, that didn't, didn't go the way I wanted to go. And everything in my life right now, in this period right now, today, this is not the life I wanted for.

I be honest with you, I have my days when I'm mad and I don't understand why God is letting the devil take me through so much. But I tell you what. I don't wish it on my worst enemy to trade places with me. They say, God, don't put more on you than you can stand in. So I guess I'm the stronger person of everybody I know.

I told my girlfriend the other day, I was the fat girlfriend all these years. Now I'm the fat sick girlfriend of the class. You know, I. I guess y'all just couldn't handle this. So it is all on me to weigh it and I've been blessed through it. So I have to stop being mad and look at the blessings coming through it and maybe taking me through these trials and translations and then blessing me.

It lets others see how real God. Because we know that God will let the devil play with you just to see what you wanna do. That's how his ego worked. Okay. That's how his ego would, You know, him and the devil sit at the table and said, they, they playing dozens with us. I'm gonna do this to her and watch. I bet she don't follow you still.

I bet you don't be faithful still. You know? And God be like, Go ahead, try. Try my children. Love me. Yeah, and, and that's what the moral, So that's what I get from them. And because they continue to love me, I'm gonna continue to bless them, even though I will allow you to play with them in their lives, because I need others to see the power of me.

God didn't promise it was all gonna be good because if it was all good, our heads to be this big, our egos would be this wide. You know, we would not value purpose of life. Okay? And that's how I sum up when I'm going through something, I have my times, I break down, I cry, ask why I got you getting mad.

Everything. I come out of it like, Okay, I know the word. I love the Lord. I know Jesus loves me. And because of that I'm able to be patient. I'm able to humble myself to my situation and I just had a day. I woke up the other day. My mom said she must have woke on wrong side the bed. She just argumentative and not, I said, Well, you know, Naomi was a better woman.

She said, Well, maybe that's why Betty gave it to you. I said, Well, maybe so. Cause I could. I said I can relate to it, you know. And I was in a funk. I ain't gonna lie. I was in a funk that morning with, and this this a stupid argument too, in a family argument with her and my auntie. They just talking me like, What's wrong with?

And now she doing it. I'm all in the same page posting stuff, you know? And it was like, you know, she woke up on the long side bed, you know, or something. What's going on with her? That's not Lisa. But that day, that morning, half of the day, that was me. I was bitter. Better. I get in my feelings sometimes about how I feel when I'm struggling to breathe, when I'm struggling to walk up steps.

I have so much just to leave a house is such a duty. I have oxygen, I have this iv, I have a wheelchair cane. It's just so much to even leave a house for me. But I thank God I woke up that morning. I thank God for oxygen machines. The really, I thank God for canes and. To gi. I thank God for a praying mother praying family.

I thank God for my family raising me up in the church. I thank God for my grandmother. My ancestors who have blown over that I know are watching over me. I have been at death's door in the last year and a half, three times. Three times, and God has blessed me and kept me here for a certain. Just in, in March, this hospital out here called Beaumont Cardiac Team said to me, You about to die.

There's no more we can do for you. We gonna put you on this IV called milliron. That helps your heart pump harder than it is cause it pumps very weak, but down the line it's gonna cause you some more cardiac issues. And they told me there was nothing else for me to do and they wanted me to die in that hospital.

They probably think I'm dead now. I told 'em, Let me out of this hospital. I'm not, I watched too many family members go with your 50% stay in the hospital being a Guinea pig science project for you all. They die. I said, No. I wanna go home first. I wasn't gonna go home with the iv, and then my daughter, my brother, said, At least you can go home.

Okay? I'm gonna go home where I can get outside and breathe God's air, touch the grass, the ground go by some living water, everything that God provided for me to let God heal. My father has the last answer. It's not over. I'm patiently waiting, but I have my moments. Honestly, it's a rough ride and like Naomi, it's an up and down.

It was an up and down, up and down roller coaster of emotions. I love God. I do my best will obedient to God to follow his words and his wisdom. And I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't read my Bible every day. I do listen to God every day, but I don't be my Bible every day. I talk to him every day, but I don.

Every day. I don't mean the word. Sometimes I get in a funk where I try to read my Bible and I just can't. So I thank God for my phone that it can read it to me. You know? And I'm just gonna tell you this, if you ever mad at God, go ahead and be mad. Punch a bad, bust a balloon, throw something. Scream if you need.

But remember, God loves you and he's not gonna put no more on you than he think you can handle. Remember, God is trying to teach the devil that my children are obedient to me. He's trying to show the devil my children not going nowhere no matter what you do to them. Okay? Be infectious to people. Let people see God glow through you and through the tribulations and trials you go through and you still say, steadfast, unmovable, loving God through it all become infectious to people so they can gain that same spirit.

Betty 20:57

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