SheSpeaks Love

The Strength of Tamar

• Season 1 • Episode 21

In today's episode, we will discuss the attribute and qualities of Tamar, a woman who fought for what was due to her. Tamar decided not to wallow in her barren place but fight for her victory. God has called us all to be fruitful and multiply with all the gifts and talents He has given us. Be victorious in all that you do for the Kingdom of God.



- God is a generational God 

-  Be fruitful and multiple in everything you do

-  It is Your Time and It is Your Season for Breakthrough 

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The Strength of Tamar

Hello Queens. Welcome to She Speaks Love Women of the Bible series. We're so excited to share these incredible women of the Bible and highlight their personal story and their legacy. These podcasts will encourage, inspire, and share wisdom from God's word as it relates to women in our unique circumstances.

Let's get into their phenomenal story and the power of their voice. Today's woman of the Bible is Tamar of Judah, presented by Queen Nadia


I wanna say I have the pleasure of presenting tonight on Tamar, who was a can Orite woman. We often hear about the plight of the Canaanites against the  Israel children of  Israel and a bunch of different, different, different nations.

But I just wanna give you a little background of who the Canan Knight women were. Back when Noah built the ark. An God saw wicked evilness in the eyes of his children that he built, and he was sorry. In his heart, he found one man who was righteous and that was Noah. He gave Noah instructions, of course, as we know how, how to build ark what to build art, and who to let on.

So he let on his three sons. So his youngest son is name, Ham. And Noah became a farmer when they were able to get off of the arc. And once they were able to get off of the a and he was, he was a farmer, but he had a wine yard. So one day, I don't know, maybe the pressure was getting to him. He was drinking and he was drunk, but he was drunk and he's 10.

He was naked, so ham so happened to come upon him and see that he was naked and instead of covering his father, he. And spoke about his father. And that stuck out to me because I thought to myself how many times that we've seen other women that have been naked in their, you know, whatever it is, in their trials, in their tribulations, in their insecurities.

And we went to go tell someone instead of covering them like his other two sons did. So when Noah awakened, he found out what Ham had done and he actually cursed him. But this is the interesting part. He cursed his son, his grandson Kaden. So therefore it goes back to the scripture that says the sense of a father would visit a thousand generations.

So those are the children of Ka can I, who were under the curse that know a place due to their grandfather ham. So that was very, very, very interesting. You know, you have to always be careful cause every action has an effect. So everything you do affects the generations to come. So I thought that was. All right, let's get started ladies, cause I'm nervous, but let's do this.

So I have the pleasure of presenting on Tamar. Tamar is from Judah. She is Judah's daughter-in-law, and I'm gonna read the scripture. Genesis 38. Now it came to pass that after that Judah departed from his brothers and visited a certain, dolomite whose name was Hira. Now, I think that the reason why Judah departed from his brothers, is because Judah was actually the only brother besides Ruben.

Ruben was the oldest out of the tribe of Israel who told his brothers not to kill Josephs even though they wanted to. And I just think of the guilt. The guilt of them selling him into slavery. Judah couldn't take it anymore, so he just decided to depart from his brothers. So he was the only one who separated from them.

The other 11 stayed with their father. So, Judah saw there a daughter of a certain candy night whose name was Shah, and he married her and went into her. So she conceived in Bo's son and he called him her and conceived another and Bo a son. And she called him owning and she conceived yet another and bored a son and call his main sailor.

Now he was at Shabas when she was born. When he was born. So then Judah took a. For her, his firstborn, and her name was Tamar, but Judah's firstborn was wicked in the side of the Lord and the Lord killed him. And Judah's said to go into your brother's wife and marry her and take and raise up an air to your brother but knew that the air would not be his.

And it came to pass when he went into his brother's wife whom he admitted on the ground. Lisa should give her an. To his brother and the thing which he did displace the Lord. Therefore, he was killed. awful. Then Judah said to Tamar, his daughter-in-law remains a widow in your father's house until my son Shayla is grown for, he said least.

He also died like his brothers, and Tamar went and dwelled in her father's house. Now, now in the process of time, the daughter of Sheila, Judah's wife died and Judah was comforted and went up to the. Sheep shares at Tamar and he and his friends, he and his friend Hira and the Aite, and it was told Tamar saying, look, your father-in-law is going up to Tamar, to she his sheep.

So she took off her widows' garments, covered herself with a veil, wrapped herself, and sat in an open place, which was on the way to Tim Na. She, she, before she saw that Sheila was grown and she was not given to him as, When Judah saw her, he thought she was a harlot because she had covered her face. Then he, then he turned to her by the way and said, please let me come into you for, he did not know that she was his daughter-in-law.

So she said, what will you give me that you may come into me? And he said, I will send a young goat from the flop. So she. Will you give me a pledge until you send it? Then he said, what pledge shall I give you? So she said, your sign in court and your staff that's in your hand. Then he gave them to her and went into her, and she conceived by him.

So she arose and went away and laid aside her ve and put on her garments of of her widow and Judah sent the young goat. The hand of his friend, the dolemite, to receive his pledge from the woman's hand, but he did not find her. Then he asked the man of that place saying, where is the harlet? Who was openly by the roadside?

And they said there was no in the in this place. So he returned to Juin and say, I cannot find her Also. The men of this place said that there was no Harley in this place. Then Judah said, let her take them or herself least he would be ashamed for. I sent this young goat and have not found her, and it came to pass after some time.

It came to pass after three months that Judah was told saying, Tamar, your daughter-in-law has played the Harley. Furthermore, she is with child by Judah. Now, at this time, no one knows that it's, it's Judah. Son, grandchild. No one knows that she's pregnant by her father-in-law. They just know that she's a widow and now she's pregnant.

So here we go with the gospel. So when she was, what out she, she sent to her father-in-law saying, by the man whom, I'm sorry, did our six, no, I'm sorry. I skipped the, and it came to pass after three months. Tamar, her daughter was playing the harlot. Therefore she is with child. So Judah said, bring her out and let her be.

When she was brought out, she was sent to her father-in-law saying by the man who these belong. I am with the child. And she said, please determine who these are, the sign and the court and the staff. So Judah acknowledged them and said, she has been more righteous than I because I did not give. To Sheila, my son, and never knew her name her again.

Now, it came to pass at the time for giving birth that behold twins were born and were in her womb. And so it was when she was giving birth that the one pulled out his hand and the midwife put a scarlet. Thread and found it to her hand saying the, that this one came out first. Then it happened as he drew back his hand, that his brother came out unexpectedly, and she said, how did you break through this breach feel upon you?

Therefore, your name was called Perez. Afterward, his brother came out who had the Scarlet Red on his hand, and his name was Zebra. That was a lot, but it was very, very good. I had to start from the beginning to give you the context. Now, in the meantime, his brothers and Judah, they are off in another land and the famine is about to hit, and Joseph has.

In the pit. He's been, he's been through everything at this point, and so I'm gonna come to, to this right here. I believe that guy gave me three points about this story. And this story is so interesting because on your natural and caral mind, when you would read this story, you would think to yourself, oh my God, what's going on?

And say, it's a lot going on in this story. It's a lot of, in industrial, it's a lot of stuff that I just really don't understand. I had to break this down. I had to pray about it, and I had to look into this and say, God, explained this to me. So back in the tradition, the Jewish tradition, the thing is that I forget what they call it, but you just have to go research it when there is back in the day, because women did not have the same kind of authority, did not have the same kind of equality that the man.

She was to get married. That right there was her retirement plan. That right there was her safety net at that point. So that was something that the Jewish people had in their tradition because they would, that was a way for them to continue the bloodline. That was a way for them to serve their, their lineage.

So when I read it, I didn't really understand it. I didn't have, I, I had, I, I didn't understand why God was so offended by what OAR had. I thought he was just being selfish myself. I was like, hmm. He was being real self-serving because he knew that this was how she would be ensured that she would have a place in the future.

So this is what God told me. God shared to me that the reason why he was so upset at is because God is a generational. God has always been generational. And what that means is from the beginning of time when God said, let us make man in our own image, it wasn't because he needed us, but it was because he wanted us.

He wanted a family. So therefore, God is so generational minded that he's always, if you ever read in a Bible, you'll always notice that he lists a whole genealogy. It's because he never wants you to forget where you came. And it, it, it's, it's surprising if you read it says, then God bless them. And God said, back in generation at Gen Genesis one, verse 28, if we take it back, it says God, then God bless them.

And God said to them, be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves. When you go back to Genesis nine one. So God blessed Noah, very first thing he did before he got off the art. So God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, be fruitful and multiply and feel the earth and the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth and on every bird of the air and on every and on everything that moves on earth and on all the fish of the.

They are giving into your hands. If you go back again to Genesis 17, verse 20, and he said, and asked for Ismail, I have heard you. Behold I have blessed him and he'll be, and I will make him fruitful and he will multiply him exceedingly. He shall be get 12 priests and I will make him a great nation. It's throughout the Bible and every time he would say that, he would also.

And later versions because I am the mighty God. That is the thing. God is so generational. He cares so much about what he has created because he downloaded his DNA within us and he's made us in his own image and spirit. So we are to give life to things just as God does. He's the only person who has the ability to give life and to take life that is not ours.

That authority has only been given to God, so that is why it displeased him. So, because on our chose to be selfer and he brought into the lie, the demonic lie that you know, it'll make you less if you produce. It goes back to second Corinthians when he says, God is the only person who can give you seed the so cor second Corinthians nine verse 10 say, now may he who supplies seed through the Soar and the bread and bread for support for food supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruit of your righteousness.

It all starts with the C, so the second. I wanna go to is verse 27. And in 27 she said, now it came to pass that at the time for giving birth that behold twins were, were born in her womb. And so it was when she was given birth that the one that put his hand out and the midwife took, took a scarlet thread and founded it.

I looked up Scarlet Thread and that means. She was being redeemed through her children and then came out the fir, and then this one came out first. Then it happened as he drew back his hand that his brother came out unexpectedly and she said, how did you break through? This breach be upon you. Therefore, his name was called Perez.

Afterwards, his brother came out who had the scarlet bread on his hand, and his name was Zebra. I also looked up Perez and Perez meant so much. Perez came through, means the breach in a breakthrough. Not only was she being redeemed by her twins, but she was having breakthrough and breaching and forth and out by her twins.

Now the third thing that I wanna point out is her name, Tamar, which means the fruit date palm or just palm tree. There are three different characters in the Bible by the name of Tamar, but for me, I felt like the Holy Spirit was really wanted to. Hone in on demeaning palm tree, which translates to it's a symbolic thing of victory in the Jewish tradition.

It's, it means victory, triumph, peace. It means everything. And I found it interesting that that was Tamar's name because it provided foreshadowing for Jesus entering into the city of Jerusalem when he rode on the donkey. Number one, God is a generational God. He desired a family, and that's why he created us not to be his servant.

Not because we're called to sing or not because we're called to preacher, not because we're called to all this other stuff that I hear, but it's because he desired to have a family. So he made us in his image. To give life and not just life. When he said be fruitful, multiply, he didn't mean just children.

He meant everything in your life. Be fruitful and multiply it. Produce what? Everything within your life because it has been given to you. Because we had his dna. When you go back to the beginning, he said, let us make man in our own image. He thought the thought Jesus was the word, so he said it and then the Holy Spirit came to perform.

We have that same power that lives within us. So when we speak death and life is in the power of the tongue, we have the ability to speak over every situation. Hey Pastor Charles, we have the ability to speak life into so much, and we need to be careful with our words because that is a spiritual authority that he gave.

Because what he wants us to do is to be fruitful and multiply because he blessed us with that. That was the very first blessing that he gave us. That was the very first blessing that he gave Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. That blessing still has not left this earth today. We are to, to subdue the land, to bless it and to multiply, and whatever you do, if it's in your business, multiply.

If it's being a mother, multiply in that and produce and give life second. We all know. I didn't even wanna go into the suffrage movement. I didn't even wanna go into feminism because we've been suppressed for so long. And it's not just black women, it's black women, it's white women, it's yellow women, it's orange women.

It's all kinds of women. Brown, black, yellow, orange, whatever. We've been suppressed for so long that when the feminist movement came, the idea I believe was from. But the way that the enemy twisted, it was not from God. The turn that it has taken was not from God. I'm okay if you wanna burn your bra, but I like the authority that I carry as a woman, and I wanna stay in this authority that I carry as a woman in that position.

So therefore, when the twins came, Not only did she get double blessing, but it was foreshadowing of what Tamar was to bring onto the tribe of Judah. Do you understand when you look at this genealogy, if it was not for Tamar, Jesus would not have come outta the tribe of Judah. If it was not for Tamar and what she did, because I heard a lot of different variations about this story before, but I couldn't go off of that.

I had to go off of what God was giving me, and Tamar was victorious. Tamar was triumphant. She had peace. She was told one thing and something else could happen and done another. But instead of staying down and staying in her father's house as a widow and never being looked at again as a. She said, I'm going to find and get my inheritance and get what is owed to me, and that is why she had a breakthrough and she was redeemed for her two boys.

Then it comes down to her name, Tamar. I don't know why Jesus chose the palm trees, why they were waving the palm trees when she came through, but she came out of the tribe of Judah and when he came into that palm Sunday before he went to the cross, It reminds me of what she did. Oh, for the of Judah, it really reminds me of what she did for the tribe of Judah, and that is why God chose That is why Jesus chose to add her.

The power that women have is so incredible. Look at Ruth. Ruth was, again, remember Hamar was a Canaanite woman. God had told them not to marry Canaanite women, but they did. And he used it. Ruth, I don't remember what Ruth was, but Ruth was not a a, a chosen woman either. And you have to even think about Hagar who helped them when they were spying out in the land.

When you look throughout the Bible, we have been suppressed, but we've been doing the work of the Lord from the beginning. From the beginning. So I just feel like the message that he wanted me to give to you today was, number one. Keep creating. Keep giving life to whatever it is that he told you to do. If it's to write a book, give life to the book.

If it's to be a mother, be, give life to being a mother. Honor that. If it's to be a wife, do that. If it's to be a business woman, do that. If it's to preach, do that. But that's what I feel like he wanted to say. Second, miss Betty says this all the time. It's our time, it's our season. That's what she says all the.

And I just was not getting it. I was, I got it, but I didn't get it. You know how you hear something so much and it becomes familiar, so you're like, yeah, yeah, that's our time, that our season. But it, it hadn't landed on good ground yet, through this and through other things that's been happening, it's landed on good ground where the enemy cannot come take it.

So I'm praying that it lands on good ground on your hearts. Today. It's time for us to be redeemed in the proper way, not through f. But through God, we're being redeemed. All of the women, it's all of our times, and it's all of our season. It's our time, it's our season. We're breaking forth. This is breakthrough time.

This is break fourth time. And to look at the foreshadow and, and you have to look at it when you, when I think about that, all I can imagine right now is Jesus on the donkey. He has already made the way he went before us. He paved the path before us. Why is it that when he came back from hell, from dropping off our sins, the very first person he let see him with merit, another woman.

It's our time and it's our season. So I just wanna say thank you for your time and your attention.


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