SheSpeaks Love

The Power of Jael

• Season 1 • Episode 20

In today's episode, we will discuss the attribute and qualities of Jael, a housewife that saved a nation. She was doing her ordinary routine when God presented her with the opportunity to slay her enemy. She defeated her enemy with love and service. 



-  Don't disregard your routine

- Accept who God has called you to be

- There is power in your service

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The Power of Jael

Hello Queens. Welcome to She Speaks Love Women of the Bible series. We're so excited to share these incredible women of the Bible and highlight their personal story and their legacy. These podcasts will encourage, inspire, and share wisdom from God's word as it relates to women and our unique circumstances.

let's get into their phenomenal story and the power of their voice. Today's woman of the Bible is Jael, presented by Queen Dr. Glory. 


so today we were talking about jail. I have never studied this woman. Like, you know, my, my woman to go to is the woman by the Well. And that was the first one I picked.

But I was like, no, this should be a challenge. You know, I should do other people that I haven't really done. So I think, was it Pastor Ver? Somebody talked about. Okay. No, I knew somebody picked Deborah and I was like, are they gonna talk about jail if they're not? Like she's one character that does never really heard anything about much about her.

She just killed that guy. And that was just a, so I wanted to like, just study and do something new and talented. And so it was really fun to do this study. It was really fun. The background of this, this, or this is taken from the book of judges chapter four. From verses one to 24, and then it spills into 25 into George's five.

And the background of the story is, is all about Israel. We know the history of Israel. They, they, they go there, they leave the Lord and they go their way in transgression and oppressors come. They cry out to the Lord. He sends deliverer, they're delivered, they're happy. They forget. They go back again. They just continue that cycle again and again.

And so they were in this cycle of oppression and there was this keen jabbing of canan, he Israel. I'm under oppression for 20 years on that then. And his commander, the commander of his army is called Cze. Bible says that he had 900 chars of iron and multitude of army at the time when judges chapter five eight said, no shield or.

Was found with a soldier in Israel. These guys had 900 carriers of iron so that it was not even a competition like they were outnumbered in terms of equipment, in terms of in everything. And that was the time Deborah was the judge in Israel at the time. And she got this word from the Lord to you know, that the Lord was going to overcome defeat the enemy and deliver his children from this oppression.

And so she sent for back and you know, encouraged him to mobilize the army that God is with them and God is going to defeat the enemies of the enemy and give them victory. But the gentle man was like I dunno what you're talking about. If you're not coming, I am not going. I will only go if you will come.

She was not confident. He was not confident that the word of God will come to pass without her being there. She's like, okay, if I'm gonna risk my life, you bet you, you brought the word. You better come along. So, so she said, okay. No offense taken, I will come, but just know that God will give the victory to a woman instead, not to you like God and women.

There is something about God and women. I just love it. Every time God does something like that, it's, oh, I'm just so grateful for this girl that we. And you know, when you hear something like that, God is good to give the victory for the whole warfare to a woman. You know, what comes to your mind first?

This woman, she must be a fighter, a warrior. She must be a champion. She must be a professional. She must be so good. And then if you look yeah, right, look into Israel's history and other women at the time no woman had that kind of credential at that. The closest person I would probably imagine would be Deborah, because she was already a leader and she was the only woman that was going to war at that time.

So probably, yeah, most likely Deborah. Okay, she's gonna get the victory. But no, God does not think like we do. His ways are not ways God decides to choose a woman. Has no qualifications that we can count on, no experiences that we can refer to. She had no special skill we can Bo about. She was just a woman.

The only line on her credential or on her resume was she was a wife of Haba. That's all. She was just a wife, a housewife, nobody. Like that woman was nobody. Nobody ever heard of her before. And that says to me that nobody is nobody before God and nothing is just before God. Because we at was, I say just the housewife, just the cleaner.

Nothing is just before God. Everybody is highly valued, valuable in the sight of God and everything. Every gift is useful in the hands of God. Jail wasn't just a woman. She was a woman who understood her power as a woman, and she used it to the glory of God. She was a woman who understood that we are not in competition with.

You know, we're not trying to beat Mandu. We are uniquely created, uniquely gifted and used by God. Jill was not at home, you know, wishing her life was different, wishing she had a better life more qualifications she. A better job instead of just house. Keep housekeeping because that's all she did. She just, just a house.

She was just keeping the house. You know? She wasn't doing that. She wasn't at home entertaining identity crisis because of her situation. You know, this is all I have to do every day. Just wash, laundry and cook, and this is all I have to do for the rest of my life. She accepted where she was.

She accepted her circumstance. She accepted who she was and where she was and and what it took to be a woman at that time in her life, and she was okay with it, and she was just living it the best she could. How do I know she was living it the best she could? That woman had food in her house. She had one blank.

She had blankets in her house. And you know, reminded me of that perhaps that one woman, that veterans woman, the Bible says she closed her house with warmth and she had food on her table. She was a woman and she had what she needed to have in her house.

And you know what that tells me is that, All that was needed to accomplish the impossible that the soldiers and the warriors couldn't accomplish in the battleground. This woman had it in her house. She had it, and she was able to do what needed to be done. She had milk, she had blankets, and she had a tent bag.

That's all she had. She didn't have a knife. The soldiers didn't have much weapon anyways, so she really didn't even have a, there was no left for the women at home. She had none. She just had milk, she had blankets, she had a tent peg. Anything and everything is the weapon in the hand of the white.

You know, it was just like, it was just so beautiful to see that we don't need anything, that we don't have to be able to do what God has called us to do. All we need is what he has already given to us for us to be able to do what he's called us to. Nothing more, nothing less. If we need more, God will provide before that need arises, but we have to start with what we already have.

And you know what? She didn't just have milk and blankets and a tent peg. She had wisdom. That woman knew the difference between milk and water says, tells us today that milk promotes sleep. At that time, JIA already knew it. She knew. Water. The guy would still be, he would still be alert if he was tired, if he, even if he was tired.

But milk puts you in, knock you out. She wanted to knock him out and she knocked him out good big time. The second thing is that she is fearless. That woman was fearless. She went out to meet a killer. The, this captain, if you hear the songs about him, this man was, is a killer. He is known. And he's successful in his career.

That's why they were able to keep Israel in oppression for 20 years. She was not afraid. She stepped out to meet him. She was not afraid to invite him into her home. She welcomed him. She told him he can come in. This woman saw opportunity working with two legs and she, she recognized that because that's one thing we saw a lot of times, we don't recognize opportunities and then we miss it.

She saw this enemy, this killer. As opportunity on two legs, she recognized it. She stepped out and did what she had to do. She was unafraid. Even though she had to make a top decision, she had to make a deadly decision. She rose off to meet the occasion. She answered the call. It was a, a national call in her house.

She didn't go anywhere. She'd never been to the battle. She didn't have to go in her house. And you know what it reminded me was last week we're talking about positioning yourself, being visible, you know, recognized. And it just reminded me, it was like God was reminding me once again. You don't need to be where God hasn't called you.

All he need is find out where God has called you. If it's at home, sit at home. God will meet you there. We don't need to be where we shouldn't be for God to meet us. He's able to get anywhere like. All he's called us and all he is asked of us is to just be who we are. Just be where he has called us to be.

Jael was at home. She didn't go to work. She's never been to work. She was at home and the battle came to meet her at home. And what was she? She was just being a woman. She was just doing what women do. She was just at home being a woman. That's all she did. That's how she got that. Just by being a woman at home.

How do you do that? Wow. It takes being sensitive to God. She was faithful. That woman was faithful because when God sent the prayer her way, she was where she was supposed to be. She was. She was in line. She was in her lane. She was on her. That was why she saw that man. If she was sitting inside crying and throwing a pity party, she would've missed him.

She was where she was meant to be. And Bible says that the steps of the righteous are ordered by God. We just need to follow God. He will order our steps to where we need to be so we can answer the call of duty and his call upon our lives. And that brings me to this question, you know, where are you placing yourself?

Where are you putting yourself? Where are you taking yourself? What are you looking for that God cannot give to you? What is it that you are searching and running all over the place looking for? What is it that God cannot give? Like sometimes God just wants us to just sit, sit at home, sit at my feet, and he will meet our.

Because he's our father. The other thing also is that this woman was resourceful. She used what she had. She wasn't wishing if only I had a gun or if I had a ba, you know what I mean? If I had a and a shield I will deal with, I will kill him. But now I don't have anything, so I really can't do anything. I'm just a woman.

No, she was not. I was, if I wish I was a train fighter, you know, I really would do this. No, she wasn't wishing for whatever. She didn't have. She wasn't wishing to be who she was not. She used what she had to win the trust of. The very dangerous man she want is trust by just being a. She just walked up to him with a smell.

If that man had met a man in that house, he would've killed him. I won't believe him. Cause if that man had met a man in that house, he would've killed. He would've killed him to protect himself. But he met a woman. And there wasn't just any woman. This was a woman who knew, who knew the power of being a woman, and she stepped out and disarmed the warrior with her smile.

She just, by being a woman, The power of being a woman, the power of her smile, the her self-confidence, like she put, the man was so comfortable. He trusted her in a twinkle, trusted his life in her hands. That woman had something she exceeded. You know, our body language, everything abouts a lot. That woman carried herself with such dignity and honor, even though her life was at risk because that man was a killer.

She, even though she might have been afraid and said she was not afraid, she stepped out, calm, confidence, smiling, just being a woman. When we understand the power of being a woman, we will stop competing with men. We will stop comparing ourself with men because we are not the same. God made us all different and unique.

When we understand the power we have as women, we'll stop wishing for what we are not. Because we have so much. So much has been entrusted into our hands. We've been gifted with so much. She disarmed a warrior, a known successful warrior with her smile and with the power of a woman. She gave him milk when he asked for water.

Like she went above and beyond. She's like You, no, no, no, but about water. I got better. Here you go, sir. She served that man to. She served him to death, like served him to the door of death. And you know, God, we serve as women. We have this unique skill to serve even when we're serving in the same thing with men.

There's something different about the way a woman serve. When a woman serves you food and a man serves you food. There's just. Something different. We, we have this gift of service that the enemy has rubbished and made you look like, yeah, they're treating you like rubbish. No, it's a gift. It's an or no to serve.

There is power in service. Dial on the student and she used it to, to finish. A great man, a warrior, a fighter, a woman that has never handled a weapon, killed a man who has killed so many men in battle.

She made him comfortable with a blanket like we need to understand the part that God has given us as women. Bible says that a wise woman, Builds her house with her own. Hands wise, women build nations, build lives, and the foolish one, tear down lives, tear down their own house, tear down nations with the same hands.

This woman did not know how to handle her weapon. Never been to war. Don't even know how it's done, but with the power of being a woman. She, finished the battle in her house. The battle that the man that we are armed couldn't do at the field. She did it at home. She finished it real good at home. It's amazing what we can do when we try, when we just walk with God, the power.

Simple care of a woman. Just care. Simple care of a woman who is confident in her identity, not a woman that is looking for love or looking for something or trying to give you something for some, like she is. She was confident in her identity as a woman and she was serving from that place of confidence, and there is so much part in it.

If irresistible, she cannot be deni.

She couldn't go to the battle, but the battle came home to meet her. God arranged it in his own ways and he brought the battle right into her. He brought the best, the Jesus part of the battle right into her dust, and she was there. Ready? I'm waiting with her eyes and her smile it's ok. You're safe here come.

He just like, yeah. And he walked into her house and he was giving her orders. Yeah. You, you know, stand by the door. Tell people, lie, tell people I'm, she's okay. Don't worry. Like, she didn't roll her eyes, you know, like in my house, right? Yeah. No, she was, she was just so cool. So cool. He had no reason to doubt her or, or worry about his life.

He had, he could not even deserve that. He was in the most d That where he was with that woman was the most, was more dangerous than the battlefront, because at the battlefront, he could win by his muscle. But right here, he was done. Finished because there was even no.

The power of being a woman, the power of knowing who you are and being confident in your identity as a woman. God met her where she was. If we can just learn that God is able to meet us where we are, you know, we need to save us a lot of the stress and trouble and trauma and traffic and experiences. We Ron going here and there looking for this and that.

God met her where she was. Oh, and it was the same thing she was every day. The same boring thing, same housekeeping that she does every day. It was the same thing. That woman was diligently and thankfully doing, continue to do it that same day that happened like any other day. And God brought this man right into her lap, just right into her home.

Where have you been called? What has God called you to do? A lot of times we complain. It's not attracting. Nobody sees me, nobody recognizes what I'm doing. Nobody appreciates what I'm doing. You know, they don't reward me enough. They don't pay me well enough. Nobody listen. Nobody has called you to that.

Nobody has put you. It's okay. Even if they don't, that's fine. Just stay focused and stay committed when you just be faithful where you are called and let God reward you when you stand where you have been called and let God bring your reward. Don't go and fight for read. Don't go and force it out of God's hand.

Don't no. Just, just, just focus on what he's called you to do. Just do your own little bits. It might seem like nothing. It might seem unattractive, it might seem boring. It's okay. Can you just stay faithful to it and let God meet you there and reward you? Will you stop chasing people to bless you and just know that you are already blessed in in God through Christ.

Please stop begging people to bless you and just commit to be faithful to what God has put in your hands. God is not respecter of persons. He's a rewarder of those who honor. He honors those who honors him. He rewards diligence and faithfulness. That is one of those principles that's stick in my head, that God honors those who honor him.

He rewards faithfulness and diligence. He does not do I service. No. It kind of all that jail had and unlocked. One met her at home and she was to answer the call of duty in her house. She didn't need what? She didn't have to accomplish the fee. She. God never ask of us what we don't have. God will never send you to do what He knows you can't.

He will ask you to give what you don't have. He has not given you already. If God is asking anything of us, it's because he knows we have it. When you just use what you have and let God do the rest, that was all title. You know, least they were hearing about her. She did. She just used what she had. God uses what we have.

That's all God is asking of us. And you know, that brings me to the next question. What's, what's in your hands? What is in your house? And above all, what is in your heart? That is what God is asking for. It's there already. He's asking for what is there, and a lot of times we don't recognize what is there because we look down on it.

It's just, it's just, it's just a 10. It's just milk. It's just blanket. Who doesn't have a blanket? It's just, it's just, that's what we call it. But God does not look at it like just, it means a lot to God. That is why he put it in your hands. He trusted you with it. Can you trust yourself and just be faithful with what God has trusted in your hands?

Some of us, we open our wardrobe. I have nothing to wear. Meanwhile, the wardrobe is full. Like that's just the way we are. Right? There's nothing in this house. There is so. There is something that God give us eyes to see what we have. We have been given so much, but we just take so much for granted and we miss opportunities because we are looking for what we don't have to do, what we think God wants us to do, but we already have the, it's already in our hands.

It's in our house, it's in our heart. Can we find it? Can we bring it out and just use it? Ordinary 10 bag? Yes, but it killed a warrior. Ordinary milk. Yes, but it puts the warrior to sleep. Ordinary blanket. Yes. But he covered him. He didn't see her coming. He had no clue what was coming at him. That guy, just like he just passed like that.

We can do nothing on our. But we can do all things, anything and everything we can do whatever God has called us to do with whatever God has given to us, we can do everything God has called us to do with the things he has already given us. And God will continue to add as we use up what we have been given.

God will continue to add. So we can do more, but we have to use what we have. We have to start from somewhere. We can't keep, you know, looking and hoping we have to start from somewhere. Know as none of us has an excuse. I went for a program over the weekend and I saw this lady, I'd seen her on YouTube.

This lady is from Kenya I think, and she lives in Amsterdam. She sings, she will carry her baby on her back. She will back her baby a use a proper to tie the baby, and she will carry a megaphone and she's singing in the streets of Amsterdam. They arrested. And, you know, took her through back and forth, back and forth, and the government just gave her a license because they didn't know what else to do with her.

Gave her a license to preach, and she goes around preaching and somebody paid for her to come all the way here to come and sing. She, what did she have? She had nobody to look after her baby. She put the baby on that day she came with the baby on, I had to get a picture like there were so many stars there.

I didn't care about any of them. It was just that woman I wanted a picture with, with that baby on her back because it was a lesson I want to put in print in my mind that I have no as. Cues to say that I can't do what God has called me because I have no babysitter or I have no money to pay for somebody to babysit my child, or I have no ministry.

I have no microphone. No, she will, she bought, she could buy megaphone. She will take it and sing along streets and sing and praise God. We have NoQ.  understood something that we can't do. We can't do anything on our own, but we can do everything by God because we do, we do not fight against flesh and blood.

Say we fight against principalities and powers and spiritualness in the heaven places. It is not by what we, these things we see because the things we fight are not the things we. It is by something deep that we have inside that we need to draw out and use. Bible says that some trust in terrors and some in weapons, and some in horses and in their arrows, but we trust in the name of the Lord.

We go by the name of God because knowing God and being in the will of God is a weapon of offense and defense. It's all we need if we will know him. Bible says, you are not knowing the scripture and the power of God if we'll know him. Know him and be okay to sit in his will and be content to just work with God.

However he has called us. We are charged for the best. We will live the best of our lives no matter how much your power it appears to everybody else. J understood that life is a warfare. You don't have to be at the battlefront to be fighting. We are all warriors. Life is a warfare and she understood that our war, our, the weapons of our warfare, they are not canal, they are mighty.

Through God for pulling down strong holes, casting down imaginations and every vent thing, and then person that exalts themself above God, above his word, above his will. She understood that that's why she did not look down on the things in her house. She knew it was not by power or by might. She knew it was not by how much possession or, or arms, arm was, and armories that we have.

She just knew it was. God and all she needed was God and she had it and she was fine. That was why she could step out and she wouldn't hide. She stepped out to go and meet a killer and say, well, come, come in. You're welcome here. Knowing that this man could kill her, and out everybody around her as soon as that master is snoring, she knew it was.

She just, she made her move one strike, just one strike. In Nigeria, we call it one chance, just one, not two, one strike. And she nailed it. She got him good. That man never lifted up his head again. He was gone for guilt in the hands of a woman who knew the power of being a. And you know, it's easy to sit back and wonder like, how can you delegate women to something so deadly, so dangerous?

Like, how, how, how could she even imagine it? How could she do it? Bible says, as, as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God. When we are children of God, we are sons of God, we are soldiers of. Soldiers of Christ, we are at war with the enemy constantly. No matter where you are. We are soldiers at, well, whether we are in the field, whether we are in church, whether we are home, whether we are work, it doesn't matter.

Everywhere we are, we are warriors, we are queen warriors, we are fighters. We are peacemakers, we are bridge builders. We are God guardians of territories. We add defenders of our loved ones, our calling. We fight ly and we rule peacefully. That is what we have been called. We rule because we have pains. We are, we have, we have royalty in our blood, but when it comes to fight, we fight.

Like there's not, tomorrow we fight. If I perish, I perish. That's the way we go into. We are not faint, that heart because we were birthed by the king of kings. The seed of the lion is a us. The lion does not shy away from fight and from from little animals dancing around his feet. No rise up and you just deal with it.

You just do what you have to do. That was what Jael did. We are warriors at the end of the. The same child after she had done the deed, she just stepped by, like stepped by, like she didn't do anything. You wouldn't even tell she's just done anything. And Barack was passing. She stepped out again and she goes.

When a woman knows who she is and she knows what she carries, she does not run around to blow her own trumpet. She's not looking to make news. She's, you know, when I see the celebrities, they're just putting that this one is naked, this, that's what they're just trying to be in the news. Anything to be in the news.

When a woman knows the power she carries, she's not looking for news because she just knows too much. She was not running to tell, you know, she didn't go to back. I said, I'm that. Man, dad weekend, man, he cant, he went left and then he thought, right, then I chased him, and then he went to that side, and then I, he and I found him there, and we, no, and then no, she, she didn't tell any stories.

She said she . She said, come, I'll show you the man. You. That's all she said. She did not tell any stories. She did not tell any stories. How do you do that? I admire this woman. She went out to, I said, come, I'll show you the man you. And he followed her and she worked right into her house. I showed him that.

That is, they were the ones that went out to tell the story. The woman didn't go into any up and down and here and there. They chose me. Just show him. That's a, in chapter five of judges, they, they wrote a song. It was others that composed the song Bible says of that Ves woman let the walks of our hands praise her at the gates.

That was what? Jael such a wonderful, such AVEs woman. Her works. She just, she was a, do I? Not a talker. She just pointed it. Come, that's it. Write. Do whatever you want to do with him. She knew her job was done. She wasn't looking for glory, she wasn't looking for, that's it. She was done. She moved on with her life.

She, others were the ones blowing her Trump head. Others were the ones telling the story. She just moved on. How could somebody, a housewife or dinner housewife, just a housekeeper like jail do that? How could she do that? Because she understood something about being a man, that we are not competing with men.

We're not trying to be like them. We're not trying to do what they do to show that what a man can do. A woman, no, I have to do what a man can do. I have my own things that I can do. I have my own calling and I'm gonna stay for cost. That woman understood, she did not look down at herself and you know, that was one thing that God laid in my head as.

Praying about this is to tell somebody here to stop looking down at yourself. Stop looking down at your situation. Stop looking down at where you are. You've done that for all these years, and it has not helped you stop it because it does not help. Stop looking down on your condition. It is not a mistake.

God knows what he's doing. Stop looking. Stop talking down on yourself and on your situation. Just do what you have to just do what you. God will finish the rest. That's all he is asking of us. Just do what you can just do. Just do it and let the walk of your hands speak. Speak for you. Let the walk of your hands speak for you before God and before men.



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