SheSpeaks Love

The Woman with the Issue of Blood

• Season 1 • Episode 22

In today's episode, we will discuss the attribute and qualities of the woman with the issue of blood. This woman had to persevere through all obstacles to get to Jesus. , her ultimate healing. Never let our issues define who we are. God's design for us is to prosper in all things. Understand your assignment that God has given you.



-  Our goal is to get to Jesus

- Perseverance is the key to overcoming obstacles

- Understand that your assignment is to finish your race

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The Woman with the Issue of Blood

Hello Queens. Welcome to She Speaks Love Women of the Bible series. We are so excited to share these incredible women of the Bible and highlight their personal story and their legacy. These podcasts will encourage, inspire, and share wisdom from God's word as it relates to women in our unique circumstances.

Let's get into their phenomenal story and the power of their voice. Today's woman of the Bible is the woman with the issue of blood presented by Queen Arlicia


The woman with the issue of blood. And everyone, I know you may be sitting down. I'm gonna stand up because I'm just excited about this woman and to talk about her, and it's just got me stirred up because it has just blessed me so much.

And so I'm gonna be reading in the text from, I'm gonna come out of Mark and I'm reading from the King James version. So I'm gonna start at Mark. I mean chapter five, I'm sorry, chapter five. I'm gonna start at the see, I'm gonna start at the 22nd verse and I'm gonna stop reading at the 34th verse.

So that's the King James version is where I'll be reading from Mark 5 22 through 34 is where I'll stop and it reads. So here, let me set the scene a little bit. Familiar passages, but we. Here. If you could just take yourself and put yourself in this woman's place here that we're gonna get to in just a few seconds where you can just imagine you are out amongst a bunch of people walking.

Just imagine yourself out, walk in the streets and you have a bunch of people walking, and you have Jesus amongst this crowd of people that you have been hearing about these miracle. That he has been performing and you have a man by the name of JR. And Jr's daughter was sick to the point of death. And you have JR.

As Jesus is walking through. We're gonna see here where I'm saying this for a reason with about jrs because I want you to just think how busy and how. Pulled on Jesus to have possibly been in this crowd. Right at this point, somebody says, and behold they're coming. One of the rulers of the synagogue Jr.

Is by name, and when he saw him, he fell at his feet and be saw him greatly. Same. My little daughter at the point of death, I pray the come and lay the hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live. So you have Jesus going through the crowd and he's already being pulled on and. So many people, it is probably, I just imagine it be chaotic because they're hearing about all these things.

You probably got other people that want something from Jesus. You got JR. Now's pulling on Jesus, and he, he's talking about my, my daughter. You know, my daughter's gonna die. Need, need come. And so it says that Jesus went in 24 with him. So now he's on his way to JR to go see you about jr's. And Jesus went with him and much people followed him and him now him to let you see just what this woman we about to talk about already start get, you got JR and you people out around standing around.

It says, when it says the word throne in this. I looked up strong and it says a place that has been thrown, has been flopped upon. It has been filled. People are present in great numbers and some synonyms is proud. Crash or so. Just imagine it is already chaotic and you've got this woman that we're about to get into in 25.

It says in a certain woman, which had an issue of blood 12. And had suffered many things of many physicians and spent all that she had and was nothing better, but rather grew worse. When she heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment. Third woman, which had an issue of blood 12 years and had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing better, but rather grew.

When she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment, or she said, if I may touch, but his clothes, I shall be. And straight away the fountain of blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. And Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone outta him, turned him about in the press instead, who touched my?

And his disciple said unto him, thou said the multitude wronging deed and says Th who touched me. And he looked roundabout to see her that had done that this thing. But the woman fearing, trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him and told him all the truth. And he said unto her daughter, th faith has made the.

Go in peace and behold of God plague. It's pretty chaotic. I mean, Jesus is busy at this point. He is busy. The people meant business. Guess who else meant business? This woman here, this woman who had an issue, she had an issue and she meant business, and she was going to get what she needed. She was determined through all this chaos.

I need something. I'm to the point of, I'm sure she was tired at that point and when she heard that, you know, I can just imagine it feeling like this is my last chance. This is the one thing that I know I gotta try because I've tried everything else. Right? So you have 12 long years. She had 12 long years of bleeding, this bleeding issue, and the Bible called it a.

I like to call this woman the Psalm 23 woman. That's how I think. I think of Psalm 23 every time I think about this woman of faith, cause she was a brave woman and she understood the assignment. She understood the assignment, and the assignment was to walk through the valley and push. Now I'm just gonna begin reading my notes.

You guys that I, that I took. So she, she pushed through, she pushed through the enemy. She pushed through the crowd. She had to push through going to all these doctors. She had to push through rejection. And the unclean label that she had from being I'm pretty sure that pushed her into being like a, a, a very isolated.

Forced to be an introvert because she couldn't be around people, being that there was an unclean issue. So the assignment that she had was to get to Jesus and touch him, even if it's just to touch his garment. And I imagine her to just feel unworthy, but still, you not really supposed to be out in the crowd.

But today I'm getting in the crowd. Cause today I'm gonna press through and I've got a goal. I've got an assignment, and that assign. I've got to touch Jesus. I feel like you know, if she could just get a touch the enemy, you know, the enemy will make us feel discouraged. And you, I just, she's such a, a, a, a, a woman that we should think about and think about how we as women, we go through so many things and there's, it's just so many things that I like that we have to push through.

We, we some of. Our wives, some of us are mothers. You have your job or if you're running a and or if you're running a business, you have all these things. And then we, we, we have this added thing that we have this issue we have once a month. There's just so many things you gotta push through. And for some women that is an issue all along that brings about more issues that once a month issue and.

It brings on hormonal problems, and we as women got oppressed and she pressed that day, right? So nevertheless, the enemy will make us feel discouraging. We should never stop trusting him, seeking him, and learning of him, and loving on him. That's what we should do in our lives. We should say, today I'm gonna face.

The today, I understand my assignment. My assignment is to get to Jesus today. I'm gonna get my healing today. I'm gonna get that job today. I will pray and turn my children over into your hands. Jesus. It's always oppressed every day, but every day if we just touch Jesus and give everything to him. And push through.

Like she had to push through all those things. We will complete the assignment. I know first about paying about discouragement from going from doctor to doctor. I've done it over and over and over and over doctor to doctor and leave with nothing, and it is very discouraging and. I do know what that feels like.

And it can be very dis discouraging. And so you imagine trying to

walk around, you just put yourself in her shoes. I mean, just think about having to walk around with whatever padded protection you have on. I mean, that, that might be very

Too specific, but think about it. If y'all, y'all know when we have those times in the month, this is very uncomfortable. Just imagine having that issue all the time, every single day, 12 years. And you know, it's not comfortable walking around with stuff you have to protect yourself with. And I'm sure she didn't, they didn't have what we had.

You got more choices now, but patterned protection is very uncomfortable and you know, you gotta be careful how you walk. I just imagine she didn't care for how she moved, how nothing shifted. She had a goal, she had an assignment, she didn't care. I mean, down to that very thought. Everything. She let everything go.

I don't care what happened. I'm getting to Jesus. I'm gonna touch his garment today. Regardless of how I feel, what's going on how, how if I gotta crawl with my protection on, if its, I'm going get there. And so I have some analogy that I wanna share to compare. Her I suspect if she was an athlete, being a track star, she ran the race.

She jumped some hurdles. She didn't stop until she got to the finish line because she understood the assignment. I suspect she was like a baseball player hoping to knock it outta the park so she can. Face to base and make it back to home without having an out being called on her because she understood the assignment.

I suspect she was like a tennis player, ball going back and forth, court to court. That's the doctors bouncing back and forth from doctor to doctor until after hitting the ball back and forth, till she finally hit it over and it couldn't get hit back no more. Because she finally hit one that couldn't get sent.

She touched Jesus. She understood the assignment. I suspect she was like a, a a basketball player. You know, she hit the three pointers, one for the father, one for the son, and one for the Holy Ghost because she understood the assignment. I could see her as a football player, wanted to get through the crowd.

And score a touchdown. All those passing yards, representing all the years that she had to keep going, carrying the issue. Just like the player carrying a football through their opponents, because she understood the assignment. I could see her as a fisherman, a hook, hoping to catch a fish that day. The doctors were the.

I'm sorry. No, no. The doctors wanted to fish. She, if she was a fisherman, and let's say she put the bait on the hook. You got the, the, the bait is the money going on the hook that she put in the doctor's hands and the doctor was the water. She was hoping that some kind of cure would come outta that water because she understood the assignment.

And what was her assignment? It was, first of all, to have faith that she could. She knew what would happen. So she had faith as her assignment and without work she knew that there was dead. So she embodied what would happen if she could put touch his garment. Her faith was working through the very power of the finished words of the cross that we depend on today.

If we don't give up and we don't stop striving, if we don't stop believing, seeking, asking, and knock. If we don't stop loving others, if, if we continue to forgive others, God will deliver us. He will heal us. He'll give us peace. During the storm, he will feed us and clothe us and et cetera, et cetera. And on and on.

You already know everything exceedingly and above and abundantly that we can ever ask or think if we just understand the assignment. She taught us to keep going no matter what it looks like when it hurts when it. Strong. Like, like, like the crowd was sling. She taught us to never give up. When it gets strong, you gotta push through.

I don't care what you gotta push through. I don't care who you gotta push through. If you know God told you that a certain job was yours, if they said whatever or reason they give you, go back and you back again because you understand your assignment. Jesus said yes, you must keep. So when we are shun lied on all these things, we must understand our assignment.

She had a choice. She chose life. She was a woman of faith, and perseverance. She's resilient. What we will choose is up to us if we understand our assignment. And I. Hope this encourages somebody to push on just like she did. She was determined. We have to be determined. We can't give up. I've been, like I said, to doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor for so many issues and one particular same issue and I have not given up yet, and that is what we have to stand on that one day we're gonna touch the.

In Jesus somewhere and we will be made whole. And you know, the kingdom, the word tells us that the kingdom and Bible was taken by four. So that's what we gotta stand on. And I want to pull up, let's see, God had gave, a song, and I meant to pull it up on my laptop, but I have it on my other phone. As I was thinking about this woman again this morning, and I don't know, some of you might have heard this song.

Hallelujah. Anyhow, and that song is a song that he gave me when I was thinking about this woman, and it reads like this. Have any of you been wondering about your. Look like it's so long coming, but I want you to know you've got to find your comfort zone, and when you find it, get in it. Satan does not belong in front of you where he can lead you.

He doesn't belong beside you where he can whisper in your ear. Neither does he belong behind you, but he belongs under your feet. Reach over and touch somebody and tell them he belongs under you. Hallelujah. Anyhow. Don't let your troubles get you down. If Satan blocks your way, stand right up and say hallelujah anyhow.

Hallelujah. Anyhow. Don't let your troubles get you down. If Satan blocks your way, stand right up and say, hallelujah. Anyhow. And then it says, can I say that one more time? Hallelujah. Any. Don't let your troubles get you down. If Satan blocks your way, stand right up and say Hallelujah. Anyhow, and that is just like this one.

And she said hallelujah. Anyhow, she wanted to keep going. She didn't give up. She said, now that I know what it is I gotta do, if I could like touch something that's gonna change. That is what I'm going to do. I'm striving, I'm gonna push through this crowd. I'm gonna get to this strongest place and I'm gonna get to Jesus.

And so that is just very encouraging to me to keep going. As we just go through so many things in life. I mean, I'm sure we all could just, it would take forever to sit and talk about all the things that we go through and even me going through right now, so many things. I hope this just encourage you.

Somebody, you guys as she has encouraged me to, we just gotta keep going. We just gotta keep going. We're gonna get there. We just gotta keep going and we definitely gotta be determined. And so that's all my thoughts that I had on this wonderful woman that has very greatly encouraged me. So that is all I have for, for that.

Thank you guys for listening.


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