SheSpeaks Love

The Woman Caught in Adultery

• Season 1 • Episode 23

In today's episode, we will discuss the attribute and qualities of the woman caught in adultery.  The woman was meant to die for her sins, but Jesus came to blot out her sins and cast away her accusers. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. As he defended the woman, he defends us from the traps of the enemy. Sin can never separate us from the love of God.



-  Let us be consistently used for the Kingdom of God

-  God has prepared a place for all of us

- Our sin is never too big for God's love

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The Woman Caught in Adultery

Hello Queens. Welcome to She Speaks Love Women of the Bible series. We are so excited to share these incredible women of the Bible and highlight their personal story and their legacy. These podcasts will encourage, inspire, and share wisdom from God's word as it relates to women in our unique circumstances.

let's get into their phenomenal story and the power of their voice. Today's woman of the Bible is the woman caught in adultery presented by Queen Evie.


So today our Bible study is gonna be about the woman who was caught in adultery. I think it's a very famous Bible story because it's so scandalous.

And people, I feel like people, they really love it and just loving the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. But if someone has their Bible, we can go ahead and read the story on in the book of John chapter eight. I think it's from verse one to 11. Is anyone found found? John chapter eight, phase one 11. I don't have my yes, I'll read it.

I'll read it. Okay, and this is the Life Principles Bible, new American standard, John eight, but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives early in the morning. He came again. And to the temple and all the people were coming to him and he sat down and began to teach them. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught introductory and having set her in the center of the court, they said to him, cheater, this woman has been caught in a adultery in the very.

Now in the law of Moses commanded us to stone such women. But then do you say they were saying this, testing him so that they might have grounds for accusing him, but Jesus stood down and with his finger wrote on the ground. But when they persisted in asking him, he straightened. And said to them, he who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her again.

He stoop down and wrote on the ground. When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and he was left alone and the woman. Where she was in the center of the court straightening up. Jesus said to her Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you? She said, no one Lord. And Jesus said, I do not condemn you either.

Go from now on and sin no more

amen. Amen. Praise and Lord. Thank you so much for reading this. As, as, as I was reading this, I was really like, Lord , help us speak to me because my, my own prayer is I, I don't wanna. A vessel. You know when you're using a vessel for a job, sometimes when you finish using the vessel, you just put it aside.

And I was like, Lord, I don't wanna be a vessel that you just used to carry. Maybe whatever you wanna carry. And then when you finish, you are like, the job is done, and then I get cussed away. I want you to work in me. And then whatever you wake in me, yes, we can share, but I wanna be saved too. I don't want to say after all this, after preaching, after saying your name, I'm just gonna be cast away.

No. So I pray that the Lord is gonna help us tonight. Honestly, I don't have anything to offer, but my heart is, is that Jesus is gonna draw us to his. Tonight and no time is going to be wasted. So when, when we read this story, it's a story that we are very familiar with. It's an account that we are very familiar with and most, many people, they have tried to figure out who was this woman, what was the name of this woman?

And. You know, Bible scholars, they speculate. They, they think, some, they think it was Mary Magine. Some they think that it was the woman that washed Jesus' feet with her hair and anointed his feet. Some they think that it was Mary, the the sister to mother. But for me, I see a woman. I see when I read this story, I see the love of God for a woman because, From the time, the biblical times, even in the times of of Israel, that is when we are really introduced to God and having to see how God's dealings with mankind are.

Because the Bible says these things that were written in the past, they were written for us, for our learning so that we can learn from them. So we see that when we see the Bible introducing. And and God, we are learning the character of God and we are learning what were the things that were wrong there.

And we see that the way they used to treat women, women were almost like nonexistent. When Israel will take the number of the population of the people. Women were not counted, they were just counting men, women, and children were just almost like as if it's. But as I see the Bible and as I, as I come to know and see, and even listening to other men of God and women of God, I come to learn that women are gates.

Women are that powerful that, you know, if there were no women, I don't know how Jesus was going to be born. So the enemy knows that a woman is that powerful, that she's a gateway. It just like in any, in any environment, in any city, there are gateways to that. It can be a big monument or whatever it is. So it is with women, we are gateways.

Jesus Christ came through a woman. It did not be a woman. How was this plan going to be fulfilled? But because that generation and the enemy, that time were ignorant, that's. Woman is this powerful. So we see when the enemy came to understand that in the garden, he's shocked, he's surprised that how can this creature produce another human being and still advance the purposes of God on the earth?

Because in the garden, when the, when, when God created. The enemy was not happy. He just thought, okay, this is done. This is what God can do. But God surprises him by creating a woman, and the enemy is watching. This woman is getting a belly. Is wondering what is going to come out in, it's a person, it's another human being multiplication, because angels, they don't multiply.

Lucifer was an act angel that worshiped God, that that lived close to God. He knew all these things, but he never knew the plan of God. And so when he went ahead and managed to deceive Kane and managed to kill a bell, he thought it was over, but he sees. This woman keeps on producing a seed that will advance the kingdom of God.

That's the war started right there. However, we got back to our story, but I just wanted you to understand why this woman and why Jesus, where, why, what really happened that day. So when the p when the forest season describes, they came with to Jesus with this woman. Their minds really was not really like, okay, this woman, she's going to be.

That was not the main focus. The main focus was to trap Jesus, to trap him, to see what is he gonna do because Jesus had been causing such a, a problem to them, to theists to the tribes and people were being drawn to him because some people were already living in him. When you read the story before that, you see that even Nico.

The one who went to Jesus by night was among those people. And when, when Theists were asking like, oh, so are you going to also believe in him? It was Niko Dimus that now said, we cannot try a person without witnesses. That's the story prior to that. So he said that Jesus was really starting to draw people to himself, and the pharmacists were not happy that he's drawing people to him and they wanted to trap him so that they can find faults with.

However, even as they're trying to trap Jesus, it's just like now the enemy seek to condemn us, accuse us, and then accuse God too to us. Have you ever wondered why sometimes you feel like God, God is not faithful? I don't think God can do it. God, you've done this in my life. You've done that in my life.

That's the enemy also accusing. Before us and he accuses us before God. So for us, it's for us just to know the kind of God that we believe in. So we see this scenario. That's what the seed of the Second is doing here. They are seeking to accuse the son of man. Who is the representation of God, who is the image of God and also accuse and condemn the woman.

Now the woman, I feel like a woman is such a threat because our history as women with a is goes way, way, way, way back. We have a history and and the Anonym. Has not ended at all. So at every chance we see that the enemy seeks to destroy a woman. But then Jesus, I see the love of God here. I see a love story.

Now we see that Jesus now ask them, say, where are they like before these people disappeared, the Bible, the, the story is telling us that Jesus started to write in the sin with his finger up to. Even the scholars, nobody really knows what Jesus was writing, and I was trying to think the Holy Spirit, what was Jesus writing?

I don't know. But what came to my mind and to my heart was the, the examples. When we see God writing in this incident, that's the only incident we see Jesus writing in the scripture. But when we go back, we see God writing the commandments, the finger of God. It wrote the commandments for us. We moved from there.

I think God, he wrote, he wrote on the tablet and then Moses broke the tablet and got wrote again. We see another incident where God writes it was when he was passing judgment to be shaar, the writing on the wall, the minute Fari pharmacy, what he was writing for him. We see the hand of God doing that as well.

And now we see the hand of God, Jesus Christ, writing on the wall and every time. There's a writing. When God's finger, just his finger writes, there's either the commandments, he commands us the will. There is a greater thing happens to the soul of man. Either is a judgment, a commandment. And when we see where writing is being mentioned in the Bible, again, we see it at the end.

The Book of Revelation, the names were written. When God or Jesus writes down, it's a communication to humanity, to the souls of man. Now, we dunno what Jesus wrote, but we know that after he spoke, he spoke the word to them people. They started what to disappear. They went away now and Jesus said, Where are your ex accused?

I says, no one condemned you. She said, no one has condemned me. And then she, she went away. Now, had Jesus decided to say, okay, this is the time of the law. And the law of Moses says, you shall everyone who commits a doubt shall be stoned to death. And he wanted to uphold the law or wanted to observe this woman could have died, but we see that Jesus.

Jesus said the way, the truth and the life, and yeah, he manifested the fullness of his life. He demonstrated it even as he was on his way to the cross for this woman in this day, if Jesus was not there, or if he had agreed this woman could have died, but then Jesus defended her just as Jesus defended us on the.

It was already, it was written down that we are going to die. And according to the law of Moses, it was written down that anyone who commits adultery is supposed to die. I think it's in the book of Leviticus, chapter 20, verse 10 to 12. He says, if a man commits a doubt with another man's wife, Even the, even with the wife of his neighbor bought the adulterer and the adulterers must be put to death.

Right? So according to what was written, this woman, rightfully so, was supposed to be put to death. But the Bible says, Jesus now says I'm the way, the truth and the life. And it says this, the son of men was manifested to destroy the works of the. And now when we go to, to Colossians chapter two, verse 14, he said, blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us.

Now, the ordinances of our sins, the results of our sins, we see here Jesus demonstrating the reason why he came even before he got to the cross. I see the love of Jesus for women even restoring us to the. Of purpose restoring us to the place of being able to advance the purposes of God on this earth, advancing the kingdom of God for us to choose the way of Christ, because now even after Jesus said, I'm Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

I see Jesus here exchanging his. For this woman's life, this woman was supposed to die, but Jesus gave a life, I dunno what Jesus wrote on the ground. Maybe he wrote that I'm going to die for her. Maybe he wrote that, put the sin on me and cast your stone on me and let the, I dunno what he wrote, but I know that when God writes, it's a life-changing handwriting.

So I see Jesus giving his life defending this woman so she can have life. Because before God and before the law of Moses, which Jesus said I did not come to, to to take away the law, and before the law she was supposed to die. But we see the son of men fulfilling that law, how that's another topic for another day, but we see Jesus fulfilling that.

In defending the life of this woman. Now, beloved, I dunno. If we came to understand how Jesus came to restore women and restore us even up to today, God still has a special purpose for women. Let me tell you why. Why God is so much concern with us. It's because when we are worshiping God, God also wants to be felt in our.

And who is better? Who is good with emotions besides women? We are good with emotions. We can, you know, when we pray one of our general overseers was teaching us how to pray and he taught us, he said, there are seven levels of prayer and one of the highest levels of prayer is a travailing prayer. A travailing prayer is the prayer you pray from the.

That fr with groaning and most women, they're able to do that cause of our makeup. As women, we can connect to God really, really strong. And that's why if you got many churches is women, the majority is women there because they feel God more. So the enemy knows the power that a woman is a powerhouse. The enemy knows that if I.

God or the kingdom of the enemy Without mankind, the universe is for man, humanity, and by law, spirit can come here and agree with

the devil or on this earth. On this, in this world is cause a man a person. Went and I thought they did some or they were in agreement with spirit beings that came into our realm. So its with god's, you cannot do anything us. A human. A human. So when we come into agreement, we as women that Jesus gave his life for us.

Are we gonna agree? To our lives to him so he can advance the kingdom here on earth. Jesus said, go and no more. That's the message I am bringing to you tonight to us as women, that to him came and us and restore to our purpose and to our our identity. He's saying, I love you. God and sing no more my sister.

Tonight I come to you with a message of the call when God created men. He was perfect. He created Adam. He was upright in his fellowship with God. God, God. So mind everything. He fellowship with God in the garden and God decided to give him a helper, which is a woman. And God has the purpose of advancing this whole purpose, mankind, you know, to dominate yet, and, and the glory of God be here on us was, was cut down outta heaven.

Cannot go back to heaven and sin provoke war in heaven. But we see Jesus here with a woman that was sin here on earth. It provoked compassion in him for mankind. And the Bible now says, what is mindful of him? We've been noticeable when you realize that God had created man after his image. He's filled with.

Because God created exactly what Lucifer wanted. Lucifer wanted to dominate. Lucifer wanted to be in charge. You wanted to be like God. And God is saying, I'm gonna

human and I'm dominion. The

is not. And we were created in the image of God and the devil comes and corrupts both men and woman. And who does he go to? To the woman I told you a woman is a

Jesus Christ savior. He didn't go to a man, he came to a. So I us tonight to rise to the purposes of God in our be provoked again. For understand that Jesus here with woman, he was after of his heart. He was after that precious, he came, you must die. That's the word of God. And the word of God does not change, right?

So we see Jesus. Fulfilling that scripture by dying must die. Right? And by law devil knew that that's why he came to corrupt the enemy Adam, he knew cannot compromise for anything for cause. God had loved men so much. What was the solution gonna be? He didn't want the man to die, but the man had. Has sinned and God is saying, I'm gonna die Jesus, send Jesus Christ to die for us to fulfill that Lord, that ordinance, that that sin must die and Jesus, Jesus to come and die for us.

I wanna show you the beginning of this war from the Garden of Eden. That's the beginning of the, of God. For us walking with us from the first day is still here, wants the, he wants people to know that even if I've loved you, I to continue loving me and for me. Bible saying Jesus said is not with me, is against me, and Hu does not with me.

So women tonight, Jesus is calling us to choose and its not a matter of 60 in 40% out. It's a matter of 100% in where are. To the one who has loved you, the one who has gave his life, he gave his life for us.

He's saying, I love you, but go and no more. He so not

for are for me. For you are against me. Sometimes we don't understand this covenant that we have gotten into with Jesus Christ. We have come to a point where we say, Jesus, I love you 90, but 10, not really. And Jesus is saying. The time is running out. Woman, I have loved you even to advance my purposes in this time so that my kingdom may come so that you can win for me.

But go and no more. Jesus is asking us to choose the together and let they agree. And you saying, if anyone comes after me, let him take his course and follow. Deny himself and follow me. The woman. The woman, maybe she was a prostitute. She was used to that and is saying she herself yesterday and forever.

He has bad day even to us. He's saying, go and sing normal. I wanna show you the message of Jesus Christ. He has loved us so much, but he's not compromising. He's not compromising for anyone and for anything. But his love has not changed even today. So we see Jesus exchanging death for life for this woman, she was supposed to take death when Jesus is giving her.

The Bible who says in the Book of John chapter verse, he that committed sin of the devil for the devil from the beginning. We as women from the beginning on that day in the. But Jesus, that you might destroy the word of the devil. Now Jesus, he is drawing the line and say, choose I'm. You chose death. You chose the, but I have come.

Which side You wanna do you Christ or do you continue with the, and tonight Jesus Christ is showing his love for us. He does. It doesn't matter your past, you know, it doesn't even. That even your Christian life was mixed with some Luke warmness in it. It was mixed with uncertainties. It was mixed with some compromising.

I can do this, but you know I can do that. I am a child of God and Jesus is wanting everything or nothing. He is saying, go and sing normal. The guy talk something called the covenant of. You know, I was trying to study that covenant of symbolizes the life enduring nature of alliance, you know, Testament

and Israel, that covenant of soul that. The command and the word of Jesus says saying, go and sing. No more. That's our source of the covenant here. That is what is strengthening our alliance, Jesus. That's why Jesus saying, not with me is against me. And two tonight, Jesus is saying, are you with me? Be with.

You are going to your purposes and you have nothing to fear. And there's so much power that God has given us women. That's why you see that the enemy at every chance he's seeking to influence or the woman first because he knows once he does that, he has the whole family or he has the whole, the whole nation into his feet, under his feet.

But we know that with, with Christ Jesus, we've been given, we've been given victory. I was thinking like, why was this woman mistreated? Like we think that this woman, she's, she's weak at this point. She is just, everybody's accusing her and God is letting us know that he's interested in the marginalized, in the weak people.

Because originally we were not like that, like that, but God came to restore that with the enemy. So from us, and God was gonna continue. That which is great in our lives. My favorite scripture is in the book of second Corinthians five, it says, and he died for all that those who might no longer live for themselves, but for him who for their died and was raised, Lord the Lord.

So if Jesus sacrificed his life for this woman and defended her and saved. Now said, go and sing. No, he's not expecting her. That the life that no longer for, but for save, for

a righteous man will one die. For a good man. Some was even dare to die, but God Ed his love to in that while we were yet singers, Christ died for us much more than being now justified by his blood. We shall be from the through him. Now I. Can I have someone? Actually I have it. I think I already, that's chapter five.

It now I read it from verse 14 to 16. It says, Christ, we convinced that one died for all, therefore died. I repeat again for Christ. Love builds us because we are convinced that one died for. Therefore all die and he died for all that. Those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for him who died for them.

And was raised again. So from now on, we, no one according to the flesh, although we once guarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer and then continues on. But the, the vessel that I really and he for all should no longer for themselves, but for him who dies for them and was raised again, praise the Lord.

So now we see that. When he said this woman, he's expecting her to no longer live for herself. It's the same when Jesus was on the cross. He died for all of us. Jesus died with us on the cross. He died with that old nature, that old man. The Bible says, don't you know that as many as you baptized Christ baptized into his death so that you know.

Knowing this, that our old nature was crucified with him, that he, we should no longer serve sin. So it's showing that when Christ died on the, we died, our old died.

I question things. I'm like, Lord, you said be holy. I am holy and I cannot. Yes. I cannot holy the day that I decide that I wanna please you. I walk holy. That is the day I'm, God

cannot even do it. It didn't make sense to me. It just seemed like, why would God make me wanna do something that is so d. God, I love this group. I've joined maybe once or twice, and it was such a beautiful worship, a beautiful fellowship that I believe that God has prepared for you


now and make Kevin. Populated so much. But he's looking for women. Women that are saying, I'm with Christ. I am not against you. Cause Jesus said, not for me. Does not with me. Not for me. You in your house, God blessed you. You are in your house, your job, you're living a life that is comfortable for you. But the one who has died for you is asking you to die for him now.

Cause he gave you all now. He's not forcing you. He is not forcing you. He's appealing to you to choose wisdom today. Cause at this hour, even from the beginning, Christ has been looking for those that have given all he has given all for us. He has forgiven us and died on for us. Now He discuss who was supposed to die to ourself and live for him.

I don't think Jesus compromising when to, when it comes to. He's the one saying, if you wanna be my disciples, deny yourself and follow me, then you be my disciples. As we have to die first before it can, its time for us to die. You know, I, I know some people don't wanna hear this message of dying, but that is the message that we see Christ when he comes, when he started to minister from the beginning to the end.

That. Cross is the message is the ministry of life and its the exchange death for life Christ, us. Now, if you not yet, if you have not chosen to die, you cannot continue in this battle because you won't surviving by. You need to surrender everything to Christ cause he defended you in the beginning. You'll continue to be with you to the end.

We want, yes, we want we. And God is, bless us, he said, speak the kingdom of God and righteousness all shall beed you. But the day is coming when the child shall be shaken away, when the child shall be blown away. We don't wanna leave as women who forget that day. We love it. We don't have time. How? How many years can a human being leave?

Can we live for 200 years? And how many we cannot leave for that, but we wanna enjoy the time that we have here doing exploit for the kingdom, for the one who died for us. Cause he's looking for such. Looking for such women who can go out there and say, Christ, you died for me, and therefore I to, he's looking for women who can come and say, I

life longer for me now. Jesus is speaking tonight. Cutting each and every. In our heart, the things that we're holding onto. I remember there was a time, it was this year actually, I was praying and I was praying and passing was like, Lord, take away everything. Take away everything that I don't need. And I remember I had dream I believe was really a prophetic dream.

I thought, this man, this man has come to me the second time. And he said to me, give, give, give it to me. Whatever I did, I was holding in my hand. Give it to. Jamal was was saying, oh, take it away. But I was still holding, was like give it to, I was praying Lord away, jealousy,

Lord know of men come, he's looking for those who have done his. I know that when the son of men comes, he said Not everyone who says Lord, Lord shall into the kingdom of God, but they the will of my father and his will. He said, and no more his will is

of rep. Will. He's saying that if, if a tree does not produce any fruit that the has been to, the root of the tree shall be down. So as

it being laid on the, on the root of the tree, which shall be cut down. The Lord has sent me with a very difficult message, but I, I thank God because he will he'll strengthen me. I always say blessed that God has given a message of, you know, prosper because its easy, but for Jesus has of his return and the message of this hour is repentant.

The message of this hour is for us to. All of our heart to Christ. So when this man was saying, give it to me, I kept on holding onto it and I woke up and I knew exactly what it meant. But I need to surrender myself and then my husband

now for Christ. I cannot live for Christ. I find myself doing things that are, that are wrong. I find myself sleeping away, beloved. Lemme tell you something. We have to be filled with the passion and the fire that I cannot continue my Christian life like this. I cannot continue saying today I'm up tomorrow fallen.

Yes, it happens, but we cannot continue being an alliance with the in the

against God. You know, that's why you are cast away from heaven. Now, I was looking at the definition of rebellion. You know, there's a difference between sin and sin. The book about rebellion. That's rebellion. That rebellion. Rebellion is a willful, continual violation of God's non princip. Now we say we're women of God.

Jesus does not want us to continue in the willful, continual violation of God's non principles. That is the language of the, is what in the, and we showed, God, I am on the side of the weapon, but Chris came that we may change the side. The Bible now says He has delivered us from the power of. And translated up to the kingdom of his son, Jesus Christ, whom we have redemption, even the forgiveness of things.

I'm happy tonight.

Every day is willing, forgive, is willing to show us the way and to make us right with him tonight. Jesus is calling. Hundred. I know you have given him 97%. You know that if you was talking in the book of Revelation that I, I know your ways, I know that you hate those who, you know those who hate me. I know you know, but this is what calling but strengthen this.

But so tonight is a way that I believe that the Lord wants to. Make us come to our life, to the message that yes, we have given 97%. He sees that, he acknowledges that, but he's saying that I want percent on nothing. Beloved, on that day my husband was telling me sometime he was saying he had a dream and he was shown rooms and you opened one room and there were very few people in that room.

And he said he had a voice, told him that that is the judgment day. There was few people. And now this is not to scare us. This is wisdom. This is the wisdom of the

how. He says, you never heard no cold. Therefore, I'll steal you outta my mouth. He didn't say, cause you not, not say Christian, but you're. Are you cold? So what do I do? What can I use you for? Now I wanna so, so happy Jesus has given us, has provided everything need to

fulfill, fulfill that command of go and. We see God delivering Israel from Egypt, and as they're walking in the wilderness and as doing the covenant with them, the message that, holy

Lord your God, yourself. And be holy. I am holy. And you shall not make yourself unclean with any of the swar things that form on earth says, holy Lord, to be Jesus. Setting that woman apart from the rest of those people, they had him right one by one. They. As soon as you told them, said to them, who does not have, nobody did.

Cause the word was the word of conviction. It convicted them. Son,

stand and say I'm holy. Could and say, I did not. I don't. I don't have anything. So they left and Jesus separated that woman. Only hair was. Because only her receive the commandment of only of Jesus Christ. Lord

normal. Do not align yourself with the popular things of the culture. Do not align yourself to the popular belief of the culture. If we do, we are stepping away from being one with Christ. Do not align ourselves with the, with the things that are happening today. Do not align with yourself. The popular belief that the church has taken, the, the prevented way of the world that part of the church has taken, and to make it holy and try to make church so that can accept, say, oh, this is understand.

Don't judge me. God is saying, come outta here my people, Jesus saying, come outta. Because if we don't come outta her, beloved you and I shall, I'm sorry to say this, but this is the, this is the truth. Jesus is looking for those people. That thing that we need before cross thing that you need open and your heart and say, Jesus, I am.

I want to, I choose your way. I choose to align with you. Therefore work in me and work through me. That is your prayer. You're not to try with your power, with your be no to on Jesus. You are surrender. Now, how do we, how do we start enough for us to be? Even in the book, Peter chapter one 16, it says, you shall be holy.

I am holy. So we see that the testament, the New Testament one, when we come into a covenant of the covenant is holiness. Holy, holy, holy, holy, nothing uncle shall in the kingdom of God. Provoked war in heaven. What makes us think is going to go back, cause if we willfully, I'm not saying does not, we fall, we make mistakes.

But the willful violation, continuum violation that is re. And Jesus is saying, go and sing. No more. I know there are things that we struggled with in our life day in and day. I'll be like, Lord I,

the Kingdom God

co. The. Whenever he was writing this book, he's to, I dunno who closed our eyes, us

Kingdom of God, he's saying.

Liars shall not have a in the kingdom of God. And he's trying tell us like, don't be, don't anybody lie. Do these say God forgive. Oh Lord. So lied to. Wow. Paul, the Hessians spirit

think shall not inherit the kingdom of God. He was not right to unbeliever. He was trying to tell the. That this is the way of the cross. And tonight I'm happy before God. Cause Christ has given us a chance. That scenario of the woman as the world, I mean of that woman, its is the same love, but Jesus, you have it just said, go and sing.

No more

holiness, holiness, ho. Chapter best you shall him. Therefore, so he offer the food for your, for your God. He shall be to you for Lord holy. So if God is holy, should be holy. We one with him, I said, and two, work together. Unless they agree. And you saying here who is not with me is against me. On his side, he's asking for hundred percent.

He's asking for holiness. He's asking for righteousness. But on the second side, he doesn't care. Cause the Bible says devil from the beginning. And for this Bible says the devil.

The devil, the devil from the beginning. But for this reason, Son of was manifested to destroy the rest of the devil. So we have a choice. And this choice, beloved, is not,


caught you 100%. The court is, are we doing the will of. Bible says in the book of politicians, I can't remember which chapter two, I can't remember which best should be chapter three. If he then have received Christ so in him, if therefore have received Christ Jesus. So walk in him. If we say we have received Christ, we have walk in him now I.

I always want solution and I, I, I ask questions before God, like, ok, so how do I fulfill this? And Christ is saying, abide in me. You shall be a fruit. The only thing that he wants us to do is to abide in him. Now, how do we abide him? How do we even fulfill the commencement of holy Do

something? Is that is impossible. No, God is just, God is. He has provided everything, like I told you. Now, this one is, Another topic for another day, but I'll just go, just you know, briefly remember Roman basically says our old man was crucified with him. Right? He already told us that our old nature was already crucified with him, and I wanted to go and

with him, right? So he's already dead. He's now saying no. Be indeed sin, but we get the strength to fulfill the commandment and the will live the prayer. Prayer ourselves,

righteousness. We will be able to obey his command. The day we choose to align with the Holy Spirit every day, that is the day that Christ is gonna fulfill his commencement in us. You'll be surprised what God can do in us. You'll be surprised that God will looking from heaven right now, I know in our, we choosing to align with Christ.

Cause why is it that our, our BN in the Muslim countries, they get, they. Like they, when they accept Christ, they're disowned by their families. Some of their families, they actually do a burial ceremony for them.

Mother-in-law, this against the brother Jesus. That is the message we have believed. So can. Up build a house without counting the, that is the same message that Jesus is giving us to Christians, us. Count the of the forgiveness and accept from, not count. Count that day. You said from me, I never knew you cause you did not count the course.

You thought it was just a little. Jesus coming to my life. I hang out with my Christian families. I hang out with this, but your heart is not there. I'll be judged on that day if I don't tell you the truth. The Lord has sent me to be telling people the truth of the hour. That's without repentance. You cannot enter the kingdom of God.

Even as we're believers right now, we have come. And my prayer, I pray and I say, Lord, make me delight in your holiness. Make me delight in your way and daily. You have to let him know that, Lord, I choose to align with you. Praise the Lord. So I don't want to waste your time. May God bless you. I thank you so much, queen, be I.

Thank you pastor and everyone. Thank you so much. May God bless you all so, so much. I don't want us to sit here. God bless you.


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